Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wednesday Evening

Good Evening or Good Morning:



All week we have been saying when we would be going to Indy for blood and/or platelets and all week WE HAVE BEEN WRONG. We did not go again today, the numbers are close but Dr. Lee though we could wait until Friday and then in all probablity get both blood and platelets on the same trip. Other wise if we had gone today for platelets, we would probably have had to go down on Friday for blood. So this way it will be all in one trip. If in fact Marty does not have a major noise bleed. To-day she has had a drippy bloody noise. It has not been realy bad, but just a bit unhandy. Of course, not holding her down or even really slowing her down. She just wipes her noise and keeps on going.

Dr. Lee told us today that Marty has the strength and stamina of a person 10 years younger that she is. He as been so pleased at how well she has gotten along and apprentantly is a lot better than most people her age. Praise the Lord! Thank you Lord and thanks to everyone for the support, prayers, and help on this adventure.

We also talked to Dr. Lee about the lump that started Sunday and on Mondy turned into a score in the very lowest part of her throat. It has been hurting when she swallows, and when she eats anything it can really hurt. At any rate, Doc said this type of condition is to be expected when the white blood count is low or "0". He said when the WBC comes back it will go away. In the mean time she is to take some warm salt water and swallow it as well as use the med for the mouth scores. Marty has also been drinking a couple of cups of hot tea since we got home and says that seems to help for a little while. We pray that this will go away soon and espically before it really effects Marty's ability to eat.

We have also noted that her left shin and right calf have started hurting again. She had this before the chemo each time, then some of the meds during chemo help it, and afterwards it comes back. So now is the time. Again we are hoping that some time, sooner rather than later, we will find out what is causing this discomfort. God has been so good to us, and we know that He will take care of these things as well. Praise the Lord!

Again be reminded, don't second guess God, let His plan roll out and be ready to go the direction and do the things that God wants you to do. Stay in touch with God always, because God is always there to be in touch with you. Praise the Lord!

It has been a great day and we hope that yours has as well.

Take care and have a blessed time with the Lord.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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