Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sunday Evening

Well like I said it is after the Colts game, so I am "down" (Ha, ha knew it had to come and hoped it would come now and not later), and yes I am again at Buffalo Wild Wings. I lelt enough time for the crowd to clear out and it is not quiet as "Wild" as yesterday. But the music is louder than I would have it. Of course, I am from the "dark ages" when everything was soooo different.

For Marty today, particularly late this afternoon and evening, it has be restless again. Not as bad as Friday, but certainly not as good as yesterday. The ankle is improving, it is going down in size and the pain is not as bad, even when she walks. We have taken three short walks today and she has really done well. I believe that she has only had two pain pills today as well, so that is good. Praise the Lord! Her temp has gone back to normal and been staying there, so what was going on Friday is anyones guess. The WBC has also come down for the high yesterday which is good, since that is what it is to do. The hemoblobin stayed the same and the platelets came down. Marty got more chemo last night and this morning, so we are 2/3 of the way through this treatment. Praise the Lord! She will get more tomorrow night and then Tuesday morning. Then we are hoping to get home Tuesday afternoon but that will depend on the numbers. She is still eating well, but lunch and dinner she have to work a little harder at it and didn't eat quiet as much.

So that is about the story. It doesn't seem like it is going quiet as well as the last time, but is still a lot better that it could be. We are again grateful to God for His presence and His grace. God is good - all the time. All the time - God is good.

I hope all is going well for you and your loved ones and that in all you are doing you feel God's company and presence. I am so thankful that God is a part of my life, and that you and all my sisters and brothers in the Triune God are a part of my life. You know to think about that gives me a lot to be thankful for, more than I can even name off to the Lord. That is indeed how good God has been to me! Praise the Lord! So, so, so often we let the few negative things that are around us rule our live and all of the positive things that are in and around our lives. That's not good or right! Just take a moment to think about how that puts God down, if you will. God is with us in all that we go through and wants the best for all of us, for all of His children, so if we don't allow that to happen in our lives (becasue of the negative and/or for any reason) it seems to me that is a "put down" for God. So as we go through this Thanksgiving week, let us truly be positive and give God the thanks and praise that is do Him. There is no doubt in my mind that we will feel better and that God will be glorified. Praise the Lord!

I want to get back to the hospital and spend a little more time with Marty before saying good night, so I really need to get going since it is 9:15pm.

So have a good night, get lots of rest and God bless.

John 3:16


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack, Glad Marty is "hanging in there", she is such an inspiration to us all. I agree totally with you about God is good ALL the time. Doug asked in Lectionary class today, is there anything we would not give up to God's control in our lives and we all agreed NO, NOTHING. Because nothing we have is ours anyway, it all comes from God and we are only using it while we are here. Whether it is material, spiritual, mental or physical, it all belongs to God so we have to be ready to say, "I am Yours, body and soul, do with me what you will" That is where Marty is in her faith journey and I admire her soooo much. God bless you both and I pray a blessed Thanksgiving day for you and yours.
In Christ,

11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear friends, I ouldn't go to bed without telling you my thoughts and prayers are with both of you. You're suggestion about making this Thanksgiving one in which we are TRULY thankful struck a note with me. My attitude will be just that...thankful and grateful because of His unconditional love, and thankful and grateful for those things in my life which are troubling, because those very things that trouble me, cause me to draw closer to Him, longing for a "spiritual" pat on the back, just as we all longed for a physical pat on the back from our earthly fathers.

12:53 AM  

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