Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thursday Evening

Good evening, or good morning - which ever let us praise the Lord! You know our God is an awesome God and has given us so much to be thankful for. God is good - all the time. All the time - God is good.

Today is the 17th day that Marty has been home and the 24th day since she has had to have blood and/or platelets. Praise the Lord! And today was the day for another CBC which was good. The red blood cells and platelets where in normal limits at 5.9 and 220 respectively and the hemoglobin at 10.9 which is still a little low but okay. So even though they have come down since the last one, the doctor says that they are real good. Infact, he was very pleased with them. Then also today was the day for the bone marrow biopsy to tell if the cancer is in remission or not. Those results we will get next Wednesday the 15th. But Dr. Lee was very, very positive and said today that if he was a betting man he would say that it is in remission. Praise the Lord!

We discussed with the doctor again today Mary's ankles, her shins, and her neck and shoulder that are still giving her much discomfort. He has ordered a bone scane for next Tuesday to see what that showes, particularly for the neck and shoulder. He now thinks the shin may be the lupus, and he adjusted the water pill to hopefully help the ankles. The tiredness kind of comes and goes, however she does sleep in longer in the morning every day and often naps some in the afternoon. But yes she is up and around, and out to church, even choir again tonight. Yesterday she even drove herself to do some shopping. One cannot hold her down! Today was a busy day with going over to the hospital to see the folks that we were in the room next to and some other folks. Then we went down to Methodist Hospital to see a young girl from the church that had been in the hospital, only to find out that she went home on Tuesday. I had mentioned her earlier for prayer, Jessie Davenport, and I would ask that you continue to keep her in your prayers. She has a long way to go, a lot of healing to do.

We go day by day and are indeed so grateful for all that God is doing. Each day gives us the chance to glorify God in all that we do and that we are hopefully doing. We already know of several situations that have been inspired and perhaps could even say blessed by what has happened with Marty over the last 3 months. To God be the praise and thanks!

Well I have some other things to do tonight so I guess I better close this for now. However, again I do want to say that we do indeed appreciate your interest, love, support, prayers, and all that has been done for us by family and friends. Please know that it has been and is very meaningful and helpful. We praise and thank God for all of you and the support you are providing through this journey.

Have a great night of rest and a super day tomorrow so that God is glorified.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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