Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wednesday Evening

Praise the Lord!!! Happy November - Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

We have so very much to be THANKFUL for and Marty and I are so full of THANKSGIVING to give to the Lord! We certainly do praise and thank the Lord.

Today Marty had a CBC and we saw Dr. Lee. The CBC came back with good numbers - Praise the Lord! - WBC - 10.7; Hemoglobin - 11.0; Platelet - 449. And Dr. Lee had a good report. After looking at all the numbers and talking to Marty and giving her an exam he thinks that she just may be in remission. But it will be another two weeks until we know for sure. We go to Indy. next Thursday (11/9) for the bone marrow biopsy, thought that would be tomorrow, but we believe that since things are going so well that he wants to be sure it continues before he checks it. Also, I did not think they would do all of the studies again on the bone marrow, but from what Dr. Lee said today I guess they will. Therefore it will take the six days until we get the results and know for sure what the Lord hath had done.

That day, Wednesday, Nov. 15, when we find out, or Thursday the 16th, we will go back to St. V's for the consolidation which will take 6 to 7 days, if all goes well. Dr. Lee suggested that we come on the 15th prepared to go to Indy. So we shall see! Once Marty gets back to the hospital she will have chemo twice a day, just like the last time, only just on the 1st., 3rd., and 5th. days, so this will be half as much chemo. But it will still take her numbers down again, in fact WBC will go to "0" again, but not for as long. She will have the same chance for bleeding, infection, and complications as before. Also will have similar eating problems, etc. but she will come home as long as she does not have a temp of 100.5 or higher. And as mentioned before this will be done for four months and will be the same each month.

There is still a long way to go, but God's plate can handle it and as far as we are concerned it is on God's plate. God has been good with us this far and we have no reason to believe that anything will be different and/or to expect anything different. Praise the Lord! Isn't it awesome that God has been so good that we can have that kind of faith and assurance in Him. What a blessing!!

Marty is still having a lot of fatigue but the Doc says that that is the way it goes. He said she will be spending a lot of time in the recliner, on the couch, because she is so tired and lacking energy. From what he said we are to take that it will pretty much be this way for the next four months.

As we enter this month of November - THANKSGIVING - I want to encourage all of us to each day write down just one thing that we are thankful for. Just one thing per day, of course, it needs to be something different each day, no doubles. And then on Thanksgiving day let us take time with the family to share each of those things and again give God praise and thanks for them. What an awesome opportunity to glorify our God!!

May you have a good night, get great rest, and let your light shine for God tomorrow. God bless!

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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