Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Saturday Afternoon 12:40pm

Isn't God beautiful? Isn't this day beautiful? At least down here it is - the sun is shining, it is warming up and is just beautiful. The trees are changing and all is well in God's great creation, because God is in charge. It is just that we don't always understand, wait on God, and/or follow God's will. Never-the-less, God's grace and mercy is given to us in so many wonderful ways. And oh, how we have been receiving them.

Marty's night was a little better, not awake quiet as much. Her head and stomach are feeling a little better, but her ankles are still really an issue. However, they are talking about her possibly going home tomorrow.

Right now Marty woke up long enough to eat pizza, fresh salad, and fresh fruit. She likes this lunch. When she had to eat pizza before she could not have the salad and said what is pizza without a salad? She did also say that the little individual pizza they serve is not to bad. And even though she doesn't have an appetite, she eats very little bit of it, and doesn't even offer me a bit. Oh well, I guess I will have to go down stairs and get myself some pizza and maybe even salad.

The blood work today showed more of an increase: WBC 24.1 hemoglobin 9.2 platelets 210 So now one is high, one is low, and one within limits. One of these days they will all get to where they are to be.

May you have a great day and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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