Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday Evening 8pm

Greetings to all!

Well, I guess I had more trouble this morning than I realized. I wrote one blog and went to spell check, had a different template which did not have spell check and as I looked for it I lost what I had written. So I wrote another and clicked on publish but just now realized it did not publish. Usually I check to make sure that it does but this morning was in a hurry and did not check - mistake! Sorry about that! Once I get this one finished I will have to try and find this mornings.

At any rate to bring you totally up to date, the last 24 hours have not been the greatest hours. Nothing major that we know of but just not feeling well. Marty says that she felt better when her WBC was as "o" than she does now. The blood lab work indicates a continued upward movement. Infact the WBC is up over 20,000 and the normal high is 10,000. The platelets are at 148,000 and the lower limits of normal are 150,000. So that is very close. And the hemoglogin was 8.8 and normal low is 10 - 12. She still is having head discomfort, her stomach feels bloated, her ankles are really, really big plus there is some discomfort that even goes up her legs. She continues to have to force herself to eat, and is just plain tired. She did not sleep well last night, was awake more than asleep. I understand that at 3am she was eating pop corn and then took a walk in the hall. It was not a good night and today has not been a lot better. She has continued to have head discomfort, stomach discomfort, and her ankles and lower legs are really bad, even though she has had lasix the last 3 days. We do not understand what is going on and guess we will have to wait until the doctor comes in in the morning to maybe get some answers.

We were really pleased to have Alice and Jim come by today, even on their anniversary. It was great to see and visit with them.

Since nothing else has been on the blog today, I suppose I better hadn't start preaching and get this published so you are updated. I hope you all have had a great day and felt God's presence even as we have. And may tonight be restful to give you all you need for tomorrow. Praise the Lord!

Have a great night and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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