Wednesday Morning 5:15am
And a hardy greeting to all in the name of our Lord!
You know they say that doing something three times in a row is in route to making it a habit. Well I just want to tell you DON'T EXPECT this to be a habit even though this is the third time in a row I have come over to see Dr. Lee. I wanted to do it because there are some questions we need to ask about yesterday's CBC. So we shall see!
Marty had a good night, one that I believe, and so does she, shows that she was very tired last night. She remembers getting herself all fixed in bed for the night at about 10:45pm and then the next thing she remembers is it was 3:45am and she had never turned the light off in the room, moved from the position she was last in, and thus had slept all that time. Praise the Lord!
She seems to be feeling pretty good this morning. The nurse has been in and done the morning assessment and taken blood for the CBC. So we are waiting those results and to see Dr. Lee.
Eric and Erin made it in about midnight. Erin, of course was sound asleep and had been since shortly after they left Definace. They both were still sound asleep when I left to come over to the hospital. Buddy was the only one who woke up and then he didn't do that until I was getting my coat on. I think he though he was going to get I walk, but I fooled him. Never-the-less, he was so glad to see Erin and Eric, his buddies, that he will be fine.
I want to again say THANKS for all the cards, comments back on the blog, emails, phone calls, and visits. They are certainly just great, and such a help. It is always good to hear from home and those you love and care about. It is certainly a great way that God's grace and love comes though, and well it should since we are God's hands and feet. We are His disciples and the spreaders of His will and way. What an awesome task and responsibility. I certainly feel honored and privileged that God cares enough for me to allow me to do all that for Him. What do you think? Praise the Lord!
Well I think I will put this on hold until after Dr. Lee comes in and see if I have anything to add.
The always smiling, cheerful, positive, and quiet mannered Dr. Lee has been in and indicated that we are at day 19 with 11 more days to go. Further, he indicated that the next 6 or 7 days will be more of the same and then finally things will change like "gang busters." Another new bit of information we received is that another bone marrow biopsy will not be done until 10 to 14 days after we have gone home. So we are looking at 3 to 3 and a half weeks until we will actually know if the cancer is in remission or not.
I am sure you are wondering about yesterday's CBC and Dr. Lee said it was lab error and today's CBC seems to show that as well. It is kind of what we though and were just ignoring it, so we will continue to do the same. Today's CBC is showing things are basically the same: platelets - 69; hemoglobin - 9.1; and white blood 400 which Dr. Lee says is insignificant at this point. Marty has also had a little problem with her sugar this morning, but they say that is normal when being on TPN and they will be able to do some adjustments of the TPN for that.
So that is the story and we will have to stick to it at this point!
May you all have a great day and God bless.
Marty and Jack
John 3:16
And a hardy greeting to all in the name of our Lord!
You know they say that doing something three times in a row is in route to making it a habit. Well I just want to tell you DON'T EXPECT this to be a habit even though this is the third time in a row I have come over to see Dr. Lee. I wanted to do it because there are some questions we need to ask about yesterday's CBC. So we shall see!
Marty had a good night, one that I believe, and so does she, shows that she was very tired last night. She remembers getting herself all fixed in bed for the night at about 10:45pm and then the next thing she remembers is it was 3:45am and she had never turned the light off in the room, moved from the position she was last in, and thus had slept all that time. Praise the Lord!
She seems to be feeling pretty good this morning. The nurse has been in and done the morning assessment and taken blood for the CBC. So we are waiting those results and to see Dr. Lee.
Eric and Erin made it in about midnight. Erin, of course was sound asleep and had been since shortly after they left Definace. They both were still sound asleep when I left to come over to the hospital. Buddy was the only one who woke up and then he didn't do that until I was getting my coat on. I think he though he was going to get I walk, but I fooled him. Never-the-less, he was so glad to see Erin and Eric, his buddies, that he will be fine.
I want to again say THANKS for all the cards, comments back on the blog, emails, phone calls, and visits. They are certainly just great, and such a help. It is always good to hear from home and those you love and care about. It is certainly a great way that God's grace and love comes though, and well it should since we are God's hands and feet. We are His disciples and the spreaders of His will and way. What an awesome task and responsibility. I certainly feel honored and privileged that God cares enough for me to allow me to do all that for Him. What do you think? Praise the Lord!
Well I think I will put this on hold until after Dr. Lee comes in and see if I have anything to add.
The always smiling, cheerful, positive, and quiet mannered Dr. Lee has been in and indicated that we are at day 19 with 11 more days to go. Further, he indicated that the next 6 or 7 days will be more of the same and then finally things will change like "gang busters." Another new bit of information we received is that another bone marrow biopsy will not be done until 10 to 14 days after we have gone home. So we are looking at 3 to 3 and a half weeks until we will actually know if the cancer is in remission or not.
I am sure you are wondering about yesterday's CBC and Dr. Lee said it was lab error and today's CBC seems to show that as well. It is kind of what we though and were just ignoring it, so we will continue to do the same. Today's CBC is showing things are basically the same: platelets - 69; hemoglobin - 9.1; and white blood 400 which Dr. Lee says is insignificant at this point. Marty has also had a little problem with her sugar this morning, but they say that is normal when being on TPN and they will be able to do some adjustments of the TPN for that.
So that is the story and we will have to stick to it at this point!
May you all have a great day and God bless.
Marty and Jack
John 3:16
Good Morning, Jack and Marty, I have a question - when Dr. Lee said it would change like "gang busters" does that mean a change for the good or the bad?
I continue to pray you through each day.
Love, Joan
Jack and Marty -
I'm at the GLAPCE conference in
Adrian, MI until Thursday afternoon. I'm so grateful for this blog so that I can stay up-to-date on Marty's progress. Know that my prayers, and the prayers of everyone here at the conference are with you.
Cathy Hahn
"The Trees" are coming..... (???)
Smile! ! ! A Friend
Hi dear friends,
I am so grateful for this form of communication! It is good to know what is going on with Marty everyday. I have been having trouble with my webtv, and just woke up a half hour ago and decided to come in and see if I could get through. thank you, Lord, I did get through this time.
Please know how very much you both are loved and appreciated by so many of us. It's always good to hear "good news" about Marty.
Love in Christ
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