Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sunday Evening

Greetings from room 6618 at St. Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis, Indiana.

This has been an interesting day. Marty was put on clear liquid and by late afternoon did indicate that her stomach was not hurting as much. They took out her central line about 1:00pm or so and then could not get an IV started. So they called the "Pick Line Team" in and they put in a "Pick Line" but the x-ray showed it was not in the right place. So they tried to move it, but that didn't work either. So now she is to go to x-ray tomorrow and have it put in with the guiding of x-ray. Mean while one of the girls on the pick line team was able to get an IV started so she is back to getting her IV's and meds and is back to sleep. What a day, but everyone has been so kind and gracious in all they have been doing and trying to do. We praise and thank God for the staff here on this floor. They are God's children and workers and certainly show a lot of concern and compassion.

Marty has also continued to show her strength and determination by having taken a shower after they took the central line out and then tonight, I don't know how, she walked about 3/4 of her normal walk. I could not believe it. I tried to get her to stop at half way but she wanted to go on. However, at the 3/4 point I put my foot down and said we were going back to the room. I don't think she even got her head on the pillow and she was asleep.

We have been blessed with visits today from Shirley, John, Bonnie, Marcia, Missy, Shaun, and Ed. It was good to see them all and we certainly appreciate their support, love, and concern, as we do from all of you.

We give God praise and thanks for the knowledge and feeling of His presence with us this day and look forward to that to continue until His will is done in this situation and forever.

May you have a good night of rest to prepare for doing God's will tomorrow. God bless!

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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