Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wednesday Evening

I do not believe it but I have been working on a post for 6 hours today and was trying to run spell check (yes, believe it or not I did get it working, I think)but some how I lost the whole thing that I had written. I guess it was not to be published or something, so I will try again.

I was up at 4am and over to see Dr. Lee. It did happen this time and we had a good conversation. In answer to yesterday's question - no the WBC going to 100 yester-day doesn't mean a thing. In fact it was back down to zero today. And we were told that a side effect of the zero WBC and over all blood count in the colon has indeed raised it ugly head. He started Marty on a med today in hopes of getting it under-control ASAP. He said if the med does not work he might have to take her off food and on to nutritional feedings until the colon gets over it. It is an example that we are not out of the woods yet. Dr.Lee did say that things are going well and he is not expecting it to do other wise, but it still could go south at any time.

Today Marty has been more fatituged, having a harder time to do physical things, much closer to what she was like before we came in but still has eaten three good meals, walked the hall three times, done some reading, and resting. This afternoon she was given the first shot of med. that is to help the bone marrow to regenerate. It has the potential of causing pain in the joints and bones but we have not been told of any other side effects, and that one has not happened. Praise the Lord!

Chaplain Dan Coffey, the ISP Department Chaplain, stopped by to see us this after-noon. Marty had never met Dan and was certainly glad to do so. I had not seen him since June so it was good to catch up.

Marty also received 12 cards today. One from Columbus, OH from a person of the Great Banquet Community that saw her name on the prayer list, had had cancer herself and sent Marty encouragement. How wonderful it is to have such support and to see God's love, support, encouragement, grace from the faith community and others of God's children. Thank you all so very much we appreciate you and love you.

Have a great evening and a great day tomorrow. God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Marty and Jack,
Joan emailed me tonight and told me I could write to you..this is neat! She took me through "how to's".
I am so tired tonight I feel giddy, and won't make much sense. Just want you to know I love you both and am praying you feel gods presence and love!

11:08 PM  

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