Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Friday, October 06, 2006

Friday PM 10.06.06

Well the doc said the first two weeks down here would be boring. I don't believe that to really be true, but I would have to say our time so far as basically be uneventful. Praise the Lord! Today as been another super day. Marty has been awake all day, eaten very well, taken her walks, finished her second Grandma's book, done some reading, and welcomed some company. Busy day to say the least. We have been so happy to see Paula and Wally, Bonnie and Glenn, and Cheryl and Francis. It has been great to see everyone and for the way all is going.

By the way, Buddy is doing fine. He does spend a lot of time by himself but he get 3 walks a day. Last night I took him for a longer walk than usual, and added a new little area. So this morning when we got to the turn to the new route, guess who turned that way? Yes, you are right, Buddy decided that he wanted to go that way, backwards this time. He is such a good "buddy."

Well I think that covers it all for tonight, so we hope you have a great night and a better day tomorrow as we look forward to the same for us.

God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jack and Marty--Sorry to hear that you are having to go through some tough times again. But we all know that God will see you through. I can't believe it's been so long since I've seen you two--but I do remember all of our fun times together often. I now have 14 grandchildren and #15 on the way. I will keep you in my prayers and keep in touch!!
God bless--
Becky (Street) Rose

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Marty, Jack and Buddy!

Just wanted to check in with you, since I forgot your email address at the office, and let you know that the Converse household is still thinking of you!

It's "clean out the girls' closets" day here. ARGH! Did find some baby clothes...6 bags full! Yeah, I'm a packrat! Guess it's time to say Au revoir to those!

Also found a shoe box full of greeting cards that Dad sent to the girls since they were born and pictures of him holding them when they were infants. Now THAT'S a true treasure box!

And along with other things, I've found the "Why was I keeping this?" stuff. Those are outta here!

Well, better get back to work, lots of sorting and pricing to do for the sale Friday.

Lots of love and hugs,

9:36 AM  

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