Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thursday AM

Thursday AM and alll is well. Marty had a great night. Though she was put back on the med that causes sleeplessness she is now getting a sleeping pill and it is really working. Praise the Lord! It is so good to see the peace that Marty has, the spirit that she has right now, and just how well she is doing. God is so good - all the time. All the time - God is so good!

All the chemo is now in her and at work. The poison is at work and we are asking for the "bad guys" to be killed and the good bone marrow to regenerate. We are told that it should be about 7 - 10 days until the "down time." But we go a day at a time and give God praise for them all.

It is a good day, may you feel God's presence and blessing.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Jack: From what I have read Marty has a tough road to travel. The good Lord will see her through this tough time. Her attitude and out look of (this is a win win situtation) will keep her getting better. I will say a prayer for her to night. My the good Lord watch over both of you. Bruce

7:42 PM  

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