Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday Noon

Well I am doing a little better today. We did have a visitor this morning, it was good to see Wally again and share with him.

Marty had a "fair" night last night. It seems she was awake more than she slept. She was doing her devotions about 1:00am and then had her first walk in before the Doc got in at about 6:20am, almost the latest he has been here since we have been in.

Her white blood count is still at zero, and probably will be for 5 to 7 more days. The platelets are at about 64,000 after getting 12 unites yesterday. She did loose some hair this morning in the shower, so we will see what happens with that. The colon we don't know a lot about yet today, not enough time in yet. She still does not feel like eating, but is doing a good job of eating three meals a day. The Doc. has suggested that if it gets to hard to eat they can give her TPN. Marty wants no part of that! A nurse just made comment about how much she is drinking. That is so true, because she doesn't want any problems with the bladder or kidneys. And so far the blood tests are showing that her drinking water, etc. is really working - there are no signs of problems. She is showing a few spots on her skin that we believe to be signs of bleeding but they are small and not bad. And we believe that her 3 to 4 walks a day have and are making a big difference in her response to this whole process. All and all everything is still going great.

Praises and thanks be to God. God is indeed the great physician and is so good, all the time - all the time, God is good. We certainly appreciate all of the ways that God's grace and love are being shown to us, and for all the cards,prayers, emails, visits, phone calls, and expressions of love that are coming to us. We are indeed blessed and thank and praise God for it.

Have a great rest of the day, and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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