Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday Evening 7:00pm

And a good evening to all!

It has indeed been a better day than we expected. The morning was rather busy with getting platelets, an infection doc. coming in, the trip down stairs for the new central line, and so forth. But Marty held up to it all very well. She even got a walk, actually two walks, in on this floor - about half the distance she had been going. And when we made it back up stairs she took a shower before they rehooked her. Then the afternoon was one pretty much of sleeping while the blood was going in. That is kind of a usual thing, almost all of the time Marty sleeps when she get blood because of the pre-meds they give her. Tonight she is feeling better than she did this time last night. A lot of that probably has to do with getting 12 units of platelets and 2 units of blood. Plus, some of her med were changed and hopefully they are helping to make her feel improved. She is getting more meds for her mouth which has a number of more sores in it. She is still on the liquid diet which she has said is really making her stomach feel improved. She is to start on the TPN tonight - they were up from dietary late this morning and talked to her about it. Tomorrow should be a day of rest and a time to let things work and help her to feel and get better. Dr. Lee said this morning we could expect a couple more bad days, so we are looking for improvement but still not to be out of the woods. Oh yes, the nurse told us that the med to help the bone marrow to regenerate was doubled. We will have to ask the doc about that in the morning,as to if that is usual or if he has just done that in Marty's case.

Thinks are looking up and we give God thanks and praise for that. God is good - all the time! All the time - God is good.

We hope you have been able to make it through the rain drops today and have had a good day. Even though I did not make it through the rain drops when I walked Buddy, nor did he, and I got wet when I went to WalMart for more candy for the nurses. You know if you want them to be sweet, you have to give them sweets. So we have a pumpkin outside our door and are keeping it filled with "goodies" for who every comes by. What a fun thing that has been to do. Praise the Lord!

Well, I suppose that does it for another day. Have a great night and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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