Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Wednesday Evening 11:00pm

Gretting to all! Sorry it is so late, most of you will not see this until morning but that will be okay since all is well and God is still in control. It is a little busier at home than sitting around a hospital room. But God is still good - all the time! All the time - God is good.

I woke up about 8:00am this morning and looked out the window and said "Thank you God! Thank you for getting us home and letting me see that beautiful sight across the street." (Marty was still asleep and I did not what to wake her up.) You see, I was looking out the window at the trees across from us and what beauty and what a message. The top of the trees were in the sun and they were a gold/yellow, so bright/shine, it was just so beautiful. It certainly reminided me of God. It reminided me of the experience that Marty and I had just be through and the way that God made it and lead Marty to have so much better of an experience than a lot of people have. Then as I looked down those trees toward the bottom the leaves were a yellow and were dull with shaddows. They were not nearly as pretty and reminded me of an early life without the bright shiney light of God. How glad I was that we had God's light the last four weeks and as well as thanking God I prayed that God would continue to be with us for the next four to five months as we continue this treatment process to put the cancer in remission for what ever period of time. Praise the Lord!

Well, what you really want to hear is how Marty is doing and the answer is improving. Here ankles are really improving, the right one is almost normal, and the left one is a lot better. She came home on two diuretics and they seem to be doing the job. Her shins are getting better and she is on an antibiotic for that, so it is woking. Dr. Lee is now thinking that the shins are cellulitis so hopefully that will be better real soon. Her CBC today was getting even closer to normal limits, so that is really good. The WBC was 10.7 with 4 to 10.5 noraml limits, platelets were 367 with 150 to 450 being normal limits, hemoglobin was 11.2 with 12.5 to 16 being normal limits. Praise the Lord! We will have two more CBC done, one on Friday and the other next Wednesday. Also next Wednesday we will see Dr. Lee and will schedule when he will do a bone marrow biopsy to see if the cancer is in remission or not. So it will be another couple of weeks until we really find out how we are doing for sure. Also nest Wednesday will will probalby find out for sure when we go back to ST. V's for the 6 day. We will continue to pray for God's will to be done, for we know that God is good and that God's grace is good and has been and will be given to Marty and for that we will certainly praise God. Praise the Lord!

The one thing that is for sure, is that Marty is glad to be home. She is really enjoying her own bed, bathroom, family room, home, recliner, phone calls, visits, and "Buddy" on her lap. Of course, Buddy is also happy to be home and on Marty's lap when he is not making sure all the neighbors know he is home, and doing his job of guarding the neighborhood and barking at everthing. So all is well on the home front.

Will I probably will not post anything until we get the blood results on Friday.

So again we thank you for your support, prayers, and love and ask that you continue to let God's light shne to all of those that you come in contact with.

Have a great couple of days and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16

PS I put up the disclaimer for spelling again. I have done the last two postings on the home PC and again the spell check is not coming up and I don't remember what was done to fix that on the LT. So I take no responsibility for spelling.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

TREES again, huh???
Of course, I'm up this late and reading your message right away!
Glad to hear that Marty is settling in and things are stabilizing. Nothing like your own surroundings to boost your morale!
I won't say a WORD about the spelling.....Hmmmm.
Hugs from Defiance to both of you.

12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack & Marty
Loved the comparison of the trees to God and relationships.
It is such a rainy day but also great time to think of God's greatness.
My mom had cataract surgery Wednesday and still is not seeing very well. Everything is still very foggy. Please keep her in your prayers.
Have a good week-end.

5:24 PM  

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