Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Saturday evening and all is well!

Greetings to you!

It has been an awesome day! Marty has been as busy as a bee and very much like herself. She is rather tired tonight, but I would say that anyone who has done what she did would be tired.

First she sang in the choir at the memorial service. After eating her own lunch she helped clean up the dishes from the lunch after the service. Then she went food shopping. Getting the picture? She left home about 10:30am and got back home about 4:30pm and was busy the entire time. Praise the Lord that she was able to do all that. She had been praying all week that she would be able to go to the memorial service and look at all the strength God gave her today. Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow will be another busy day at church, with a meeting after worship, a lunch, and then decorating for Advent and Christmas. Marty plans to try and be involved as much as possible.

Reminder for those that are local - there is a blood drive for Marty on Monday Dec. 11th at Calvary Presbyterian in Logansport from noon to 6pm. This needs to be done by signing up. There is a sign up sheet in the welcome center at the church or one can call the church (782-2962) and leave a message, if no one answers. The names and all were to be in Friday, but if we have them by Monday that will no doubt work. We appreciate all the blood we can get with this, as Marty has now used 16 units of blood and 120 units of platelets. We sure would like to replace as many as possible so that they will be there for someone else and for her if needed on the other three treatments.

It has indeed been a God guided and blessed day and to God we give the glory and praise.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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