Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Monday night

Greetings to all!

Are you ready for this coming snow storm? Hope so, for it sounds like we are really going to get it! Please be careful, don’t fall, don’t slide, don’t lift too much snow, and don’t get too cold! In other words stay in and take care!

Sorry, I did not get anything on yesterday, everything was ok, it was just that it was a really busy day and I really didn’t have the time.

Today has also been a busy day, but a better day. Today; Marty has seemed more like she usually did when she got out of the hospital before. I now think that after the chemo, the infection, and the surgery she came out of the hospital last week weaker than she had been before and it just took those few days for her to come up to what was usual for her after the treatments. So, I think that she is at that point now, and it will take a few more days for her to get all her strength back. That also seems to fit into what Dr. Lee was saying the day we got out of the hospital and why he is waiting so long to do the biopsy. At any rate, it is good to see her “feeling” better and getting more energy. This is certainly the treatment that has hit her the hardest. Praise the Lord that it is over and she is coming out of it.

We saw Dr. Kelly, the plastic surgeon, today and she was well pleased with everything. She took the stitches out and checked the area all out. She indicated that there was one spot that was still a “little hard,” but showed no redness or warmth, so she did not think that it was or would be a real problem. Praise the Lord! She also felt that the swelling was gone and that she would not really need to see Marty again at this time. If after the AML treatment is all taken care of and Marty wants to have anything else done, she can get back with Dr. Kelly. So, that was certainly all good news – Praise the Lord!

Marty’s scripture calendar has Malachi 3:10 for Mondays verse. It reads: “Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” What an awesome verse and how true. I was asking Marty the other night, Friday I think it was, about her “blessing diary.” Remember, when she first went into St. V’s she started writing down the blessings God sent her way each day. She has continued to do that each time she has been in the hospital and since August 28th she has spent about 58 days in St. V’s and recorded about 389 blessings. Praise the Lord! I believe that is an open floodgate – thank you Lord! God is so good – all the time. All the time - God is so good!

It is late, so we better go and if we are not totally “snowed under” tomorrow we will publish more. Be careful tomorrow, be positive and God bless!

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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