Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Friday, June 22, 2007

Friday Night


Today has not been the day that we were hoping for. So, we will try again tomorrow. During the night when Marty was trying to get up she slid out of bed, landing, of course, on the floor – did not call for help – and was about an hour, she thinks, trying to get herself up. At this point you would not believe how weak she is. For all the walking she has done here at the hospital, she has great difficulty getting herself off the toilet. I hate to think of what she would be like if she had not been doing the walking. Marty is also sleeping a lot. I still think more than what the medicine is causing. No doubt the medicine is causing some of it because she is on some heavy pain medicine. But to me her blood numbers could still be causing some problems: WBC .5; HGB 8.6; PLT 43. The last time the HGB was at 8.6 in one day it dropped to 7.2 and the PLT were 80+ yesterday before they dropped to 43 today. So, I will be happy to see what the CBC is in the morning.

She just had her blood sugar checked and it was 471. The nurse said it was probably because of the TPN and it goes away when she comes off the TPN. In the mean time she will be on some insulin. But this is certainly another thing that is making her feel so bad.

I think all the things that didn’t happen the last time, are happening this time. Hopefully they will stop soon and she will start building back up.

We had a couple of visitors today, but it was when Marty was down getting a chest x-ray and I was at the Kevin R. wedding rehersal. So, we missed them. They were Norma and Nancy G. We hope to be able to see them some time next week.

The Psalmist in 27:1 say “The Lord is my light and salvation – whom shall I fear?” What an awesome verse and how true it is when we truly believe and do put our faith and trust in the Lord. But the reality is that we have all kinds of fears. There are so many things in our life and society that we fear. Why?? Some of it is, I believe, because we are taught to fear, and particularly today because the media, including and especially movies, lead us in the wrong directions. Further, I believe that as Christians become even a smaller and smaller group of minorities the teaching of the Lord are not being past on with meaning. As a minority group Christians have not been as aggressive in proclaiming the Good News. We don’t want to be made fun of, we don’t stand up for what we believe. We all know that the morals in our society is a big part of our down fall, but do we speak out against them. Instead, we say that is the way it is today.

Having God as the first priority in our lives is when the Lord is our light and salvation, and we do not have to fear anyone or any thing else. What a blessing that is – praise the Lord. We must remember that Jesus started out alone – as One – and He added 12, and taught them before sending them out in 2’s to teach others. And 2000 years later we are called upon and need to do the same. There are many ways to do that, we just need to do it. We need to proclaim the Lord as our Light and Salvation and that because of Him we have no fear. There is nothing that God cannot overcome when we allow Him. But when we fear, we do not allow many things to happen.

Think about what you fear, and then turn them all over to the Lord. The nurse tonight was talking to us about something in her life that a couple of years ago was causing her fear and anxiety. She finally prayed about it and gave it to the Lord, has never taken it back from Him, and has not been bothered by it since. Praise the Lord! When God is our Light and Salvation, there is no reason to fear. Thank you Lord.

Have a positive day and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Marty, I am so sorry that Friday was so bad. Hopefully, today is somewhat better. I pray that God will give you comfort.
Love, Joan

3:40 PM  

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