Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tuesday Night

Greetings to all:

Well, Marty thought I got a little long winded last night. So, I will try to keep it shorter tonight.

Marty has been doing and feeling improved today, until tonight when she is getting signs of the chest congestion and head congestion that she has been having. So, needless to say she is still not ready to take on the world, but she sure is more aware of the world and wanting to be a part of it. Praise the Lord! Today’s numbers were: WBC – 10.9 HGB – 9.0 PLT – 46 BLASTS – 2. Those numbers are considered good for someone in Marty’s situation and condition. The fact that the WBC went up and the BLASTS came down indicates that the bone marrow is working. However, it does not tell if the AML is in remission or not. So, as of now we believe that a bone marrow biopsy will be done early Monday morning, and we still have to find out for sure how long it will take to get the needed results. We know that it takes a week of working days or more to get the complete results but we also know that Dr. Lee had results that he need in 3 working days the last time. So, Dr. Lee is talking about letting us go home, perhaps on Thursday, go to his office on Monday morning and then mid-week either come back here for another remission induction or go to St. Francis for the transplant if a donor is available. In the mean time, he is taking Marty off the medicines she has been on to see how she does on her own. Tonight she will not have the TPN, even though she has been eating a regular diet all day. All of the IV medicines have been discontinued today, and she has not gotten a temp. or any other complication. It seems that Marty has handled the meals, etc so far today quiet well. The only problem is that she is really, really tired still and has all this congestion back. But with what she has been through who wouldn’t be tired. Praise the Lord for His presence with her!

Well, I guess this is where I really have to restrain myself. So, I just want to say how great and wonderful it is to live in a country where we can talk in public about God, pray, and share our faith. Part of this thought comes from the other day when the Social Worker, Bob, a summer intern chaplain Kim, and I stood up by the nurses’ station and talked about how God is involved in our lives. Part of it comes from the prayer that was just given over the loud speaker system to the entire hospital and is done every night at about this time. Part of it comes from the opportunity I had this afternoon to be with a family, we have gotten to talk to and to know, as their pastor lead them in a prayer of thanksgiving and healing as the doctor had just reported to them on the success of the surgery he had just done on their loved one. Praise the Lord! Part of it comes now from two occasions I have had in the downstairs hall to interchange with people who are passing and saying “God is good.” Of course I say “all the time”. And they respond “All the time” and I say “God is good.” What a joy to be able to do all that and more as a Christian, not as a pastor, but as a child of God’s. Most of the people that the above occasions were with do not even know that I am a pastor. Thank you God for these opportunities that come on daily basis, may we always use them to glorify You!

Have a positive and blessed day, knowing and feeling God’s presence.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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