Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday Noon

Greetings to all!

Sorry, I did not get anything on the blog last night. It was a busy day with the Russell wedding and then Eric came last night. About 9 pm we choose to go get some dinner and then I did not come back to do the blog. So, here I am now.

Yesterday was still not a very good day, but perhaps a little better than the day before. The blood sugar never really got better and Marty had insulin several times. It was enough bruised that the back of her right arm has are a real big lump on it. I think they may have to try something else real soon. Her PLT are down to 19 this morning, so Marty is getting platelets today. Yesterday, her WBC was back to 0 .3 and this morning it was 1.0. Looks like it may be on the way up – praise the Lord! However, a couple of concerns: 1.) The numbers never went all the way down to “0” like they did the last time. This time 0.3 was the lowest that it ever went and then stayed there for a period of time before bouncing around between .3 and .5. This may be alright or not. 2.) Today, the CBC showed 5 blasts (cancer cells). This is the first time we have seen a blast report since June the 15th when there were 6 and on the 12th they were 8. So, Lord it looks like we still need your help big time! 3.) If I understand the report correctly the baby white cells are a higher percentage than the young maturing white cells. It seems to me they should be closer to the same. Well, if looks like tomorrow will be one of these early mornings to see Dr. Lee.

The question has been asked what if this does not get a remission which there must be to do the transplant. Well, my guess is that there will be the choice to have more chemo to try again, or to do nothing. That is another question for Dr. Lee.

Well, folks I have said many, many times: “God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.” And I truly believe that from the bottom of my heart, and the top of my mind. It is so good to feel His presence with us, to be lifted up to Him in prayer, by so many across the nation, to have the chaplains stopping into see us, to receive all the cards, etc, that Marty as gotten, to know the love and support from so many, and to know that God has a plan that when He starts us into it, He will see us through it. Praise the Lord! It is so good to feel and know His love and grace and that God is faithful to all His promises. Our response is to glorify Him and to follow His will and way. As we wait upon the Lord’s plan and actions may we raise up our voices and may all of our actions glorify Him.

Well, praise the Lord for the rain that we have needed. At least, we have been getting here at St. V’s and hopefully you have been getting it as well. And hopefully you have been having a very positive week-end and day. Ours has been positive and we give God the praise. I will try to get back to you tonight with another blog and update.

Have a positive day and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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