Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Monday morning – 12:30am


The week has gone well and I am doing well. I started at the office on Tuesday and put in a rather busy week, to come to the worship service and sermon this morning. Actually it was kind of good to be back in the saddle. I still have a lot to do at home and have not even started the thank you notes yet, but in its time that will all get done. In the mean time I didn’t do to bad at getting caught up on a lot of things that were on my desk and probably by the end of the coming week I should be up to date. Praise the Lord! Three months was a long time and I sure have had a lot of catching up.

Things here at home are going okay. I am doing some washing right now; I have been eating fine out of the freezer and fixing some things on the grill. Buddy and I are holding down the fort. Buddy is not sleeping real well and wakes me up almost every night around 4 give or take. I am not sure what his problem is, but I do believe he is missing Marty. When I talk to him about her he does not even put his ears up. Today he has been on her side of the bed, but that is really a first and it use to be that he spent a lot of time on her side of the bed.

Well that is the update as best as I can think about it right now and besides I really need to get to bed. So hope you have a good night of sleep and a positive day tomorrow or today. God bless.

John 3:16


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