Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Saturday Night


This has been a positive day for us, how about for you? We sure hope that it was for you and that you had a number of opportunities to recognize God’s presence with you and His love and grace upon you.

For some time now a few of you have been telling us how meaningful, helpful, and inspiritational the blog is. Well, the interesting thing that has happened most recently is that the more and more visitors we get, and those that we get from out of town are reporting to us on how the blog is affecting and helping them. Praise the Lord! All that I can really say is that I am grateful to God who gives me the ideas and the words for the blog. Many, many nights I sit down not having the slightest idea what to write, so I pray and give myself to God to use me. Praise the Lord that it is working and hopefully will continue to.

Marty has had a pretty good day. She slept all through the night to get up about 9 am. Of course, for Marty the first thing is to get washed, flush the lines of her central line, and get dressed for the day. All of this sounds so easy, but it takes about an hour, give or take, for Marty to complete. Then, she does her blood sugar test and eats some breakfast. By the time this is done she is ready for some rest. So she goes on to the sun porch to her hospital bed, and rests and/or sleeps. A lot of what she does depends on the activity outside. The humming bird feeder is right outside the window, the other two bird feeders are straight out the window from her, the butterfly plants are off the deck to her left, and the flowers that she planted in May while she was sick but before going to the hospital are out the window to her right. Oh, I forgot to mention that the woods are straight ahead of her and there are squirrels all over the place. We also keep our eyes open for deer and our son has put some corn out there for them. The problem is that the underbrush at the edge is rather thick and we most often miss them. But, the beauty is the opportunity to see so much of God’s beautiful creation. It is awesome – praise the Lord! And, since we have been home one of the most beautiful things have been all of the butterflies that have been flying all around the sun porch. It has just been unbelievable! God has so blessed us with all of this beauty of His creation. Thanks be to God.

For the past two days Marty’s blood sugar has been under control. Praise the Lord! Maybe, just maybe it is now back to normal and she will not have to do the sticks in her finger twice a day. However, Marty has continued to have the sores in her mouth. She had a really bad one on the left lower check, but finally tonight it seems like it is improving. There are also a couple of others and so she continues to take the medications she has to numb her mouth before she eats, and then another one to clean her mouth after she eats.

This afternoon Marty was pleased to welcome the following visitors: Kelly and Danny R. from Winchester, Dave S., Ray F. the Interim General Presbyter of our Presbytery, Joan J., Linda and Ed M., and this evening Cheryl J. What a great afternoon and evening. It all went by so fast, because so many friends were by to share the time. Praise the Lord!

Travis arrived in the middle of the night from Chicago where he had been all week for work and left early this evening to get home in south west IL and get ready for work on Monday. Eric and Erin arrived last night and will be here until Monday night. Eric this afternoon and evening built a big fire in the fire circle and we cooked hot dogs and made s’mores. Marty stayed in the house and we brought food in to her, but the kids were outside and had a wonderful time. We praise God for families and times of sharing fun and fellowship.

It seems to me that the awesomeness and greatness of all of the activities and events above is not only from God, but is also recorded for us in Lamentations 3:23, that reads: “His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Remember that verse, it is often used in a call to worship. It absolutely says so much about our awesome triune God: His compassion, His newness, and His faithfulness. What more could one ask for – doesn’t that cover it all? What if our friends and neighbors and all those we come in contact with could count on us, all the time, for those three character traits? Indeed, would that not be awesome, would that not make a really big difference in our society and world? Compassion, newness, and faithfulness how much of each of those do you express on a daily basis? Oh, what a difference I believe they could make in our lives and world. Think about it in your life.

May you praise the Lord tomorrow, have a positive day, know God’s presence and His blessing.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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