Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Friday, August 03, 2007

Friday Night

Greetings to all:

Happy TGIF day! We hope that it brings a positive week to a close for you and all who you love. For us we give God praise and thanks for His grace and love that has indeed been shown to us in so many ways this past week. Not that we haven’t seen it before, because we have, but have not always recognized it and/or thanked God for it. So we certainly do so tonight for this week.

Marty’s day has been about the same as yesterday and as they have been this past week. The hospice nurse was here today and her evaluation was about the same as Tuesday. Marty’s blood pressure was 98 over 57 which is about what it was Tuesday. Her temperature was 99.1, and her o2 blood concentration was 98. So, all of Marty’s vital signs were okay. It has seemed that maybe she has had a little more time to nap today and has taken advantage of it. She did use her o2 this morning when she was getting washed and taking care of her central line. It was about half way through the process when she put it on and it did seem to help make the rest of the process easier.

Visitors today included Rhonda and Gary D., Jane and Gary H. who brought dinner, and Paula and Wally J. It was indeed good to see them all. Marty does enjoy the visits very much, even though at times, she has a lot of trouble keeping her eyes open. Probably, the more and more the blood numbers go down and the blood gets weaker the more she will sleep. So, come and visit, but don’t be offended if Marty falls asleep.

Today’s thought centers around “God’s timing.” In a lot of ways “time” is control. For there is no doubt that when we set the time for this and that and the other thing, we are indeed then in control. And, of course, in our society that is a good thing. But, there are certain things that we cannot set the time for, nor do we have control over. These are the things that God controls. I am not telling you anything new. But, what I am going to ask you to think about is, what are the things in your life right now that have God’s timing at work with them? And how are you dealing with them? What do you wish could happen?

Now let’s think about some of the times that Jesus had issues with “timing” and what did He do about them:
The first one that comes to my mind is the turning of water into wine – and He said His time had not yet come, but still He did the miracle.
Then, there was the Mountain of Transfiguration when He told the disciples not to tell what they had seen when they went down because of timing, and they did not tell.
Think about the timing for the woman who was being stoned, wow it couldn’t have been better, and He saved her life.
And the woman at the well, Jesus had stayed back as the disciples went into town and she came to the well, a perfect time for Jesus to minister to her even if she was not expecting it.

I believe there are a lot of other examples of God’s timing in the scriptures. However, what I have wanted to try and show above is that sometimes the timing is exactly right, other times it is not quite right but God acts anyway, and sometime we just plain have to wait. The point is God is in control of those times just as we have the control of how we respond to that timing. That to me is the key to the whole thing – how do we respond to God’s timing particularly when it is not the same as our timing. So, to me the issue should not be the one of control, because we know that God is in control, but the issue is our response. There are indeed a lot of responses we can make, but what seems most appropriate to me is to respond as Jesus did on the night before He was betrayed and He asked God about the timing, “can’t this cup pass by me” right now and then He said to God “but not my will but your will be done.” So, when we are not happy with God’s timing Jesus shows that we can let God know that but, at the same time we must express our faith in God and that our bottom line response will be to follow God’s will as hard as it may be. We will be patient and willing to follow God’s plan. Praise the Lord!

Have a positive day and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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