Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday Morning


Marty had a good nights sleep, only up once, and seems to be doing pretty good this morning. She has had breakfast, gotten cleaned up, and is now getting dressed. Then it will be time for a nap.

I also wanted to share a couple of things that I forgot to put in the blog last night. Jennifer and the boys are staying for a while. Praise the Lord! Travis left about mid afternoon yesterday and today is on his way to Chicago for work. He will probably be back Friday night, we will see how the week goes. Eric and Erin left about 6:30 pm last night and we don't know for sure when he and/or they will be back. Eric has some vacation time, plus the American Family Leave Act for time, but the later is without pay. So we are trying to use that time at the right time. Please pray that timing works out and that all travel is done safely.

Second, for those that are out of town and would like to visit please give us a call. For those who are local and would like to visit, please DRIVE BY THE HOUSE AND SEE IF THE RED HEART IS ON THE DOOR. IF SO, come on in - IF NOT, please do not come in, becasue it means that Marty is either sleeping or other wise tied up, so please try again. There are also some instructions at the door for hand washing, etc. inside the door before you see Marty. Her immune system is so low that we are having to do things to try and help protect her from getting any infection. This was one of the doctors' concerns in letting her come home. He would have liked to see her system a little stronger before she came home, but she wanted to come, so come she did. We would also encourage you to keep your visit brief and to judge the length of your stay by the number of people who are here and how Marty seems to be doing. Also be aware that because of her very low blood counts it is possible that she could fall asleep on you. Please do not take it personally, it is just something that she can not help. She does indeed what to see her friends, but at times it is very hard for her to stay awake. So, please consider short but often visits. Thank you! Praise the Lord!

May yonhg
]zau have a positive day and God bless.

John 3:16


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