Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Friday, July 27, 2007

Thursday Evening

Greetings and Salutations to all:

Praise the Lord – day one at home has gone pretty darn good. We have been able to get more things unpacked, put away, organized, washed, repair to the toilet and even a ride on the motor-cycle while visiting with the hospice chaplain, family, grandchildren, and friends. We were so pleased to have Wally B., Nancy and Mark B., and Susie and Terry G. stop by for a visit and even bring a meal for us to break bread together. Praise the Lord, God is so good, all the time – all the time, God is so good.

Marty has done fairly well. We were in hope that sleeping in her own bed and not having to have blood draws or breathing treatments that she would be able to sleep better. But, that was not really the case. Marty still had a great deal of trouble sleeping last night, and even in napping at a controlled time today. She did fall asleep a couple of times when she really didn’t want to. She was indeed forgiven. She did shower, ate two of her three meals at the table with the rest of the family and did several other things to benefit the cause. She does move rather slowly, often needs to balance herself on things that were to her sides, and had to be helped to get up out of a chair. She ate well at two of the three meals today and overall besides being tired had a pretty good day. Praise the Lord!

Psalm 91:11 states: “He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways….” Wow, again look at the faith and trust of the psalm writer. Most of them being shepherds they found themselves out in the fields, often times alone, with their flock and lots of wild animals and all kinds of different circumstances, life threatening and perhaps even life healing, and they found their security, love, and peace in the Lord. Praise the Lord all those many years ago people in all ways of life knew, accepted, and acknowledged the grace of God.

So, it is today that as Marty and I enter this new phase of our journey here on earth that we look to God to guard us, strengthen us, encourage us, and guide us to fulfill His plan and glorify Him. There are a number of things that again we do not know about this part of the journey because we have never personally been here before. We both have been with other people and families that were taking this path and we have tried to allow God to work through us, as an RN and as a pastor, to help those individuals and families. We have already felt God’s presence and heard His words of assistance and assurance – what a blessing. As we go this route we know that God will guard us and that God’s will will be done. The psalmist’s words are still true today - Praise the Lord!

Please have a positive day and glorify the Lord.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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