Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday Evening


Day 44 is over and we are waiting for day 45 to see what it brings. This day has been another rather good one. However, Marty’s blood count was not very good – WBC was 0.2; HGB was 9.1; and PLT were 20 – but with them being a little higher than yesterday Marty tended to stay awake more today. The questionable new issue today was that the blasts were at 20. This was the first time there had been blasts for the last 3 days. This report came in after Dr. Lee was in, so we don’t know what he thinks about it all. We will see what happens to the numbers when we get the new ones in the morning, but we will not hear from Dr. Lee until Monday. It will be interesting to see what the on call doctor has to say.

Another problem that Marty has right now, or should I say still has, is the retention of liquid. Right now her feet are at least twice as big as normal. They look terrible! And then it goes up her ankles and legs. It has got to hurt but she does not say a word. Also, she is having a number of mouth sores again. She is still taking the Mary’s Magic Potion in order for it to do its job. In the mean time she is having some trouble eating, but moves ahead each meal anyway because she knows that she has to.

Even though she went up to .2 WBC from .1 we have not heard different from Dr. Lee, so would guess that what he said the other day about still having a couple of days for the bone marrow to hit bottom is true. Again I suppose we will know more when we get the blood report in the morning.

I was lead to think about something today that is probably good for all of us to think about. It seems to me that in our society today we respond to each other more from what we have than from who we are. Where in the world did I every get that idea? Well it comes from the two “toys” that I got a year ago last spring. Have you every noticed when one motor cycle pass another, they will almost always wave to each other? It is really just a matter of holding ones left hand out to the left side and then putting it back once you have passed the other bike. And motor cycle riders will do that to any bike that goes by; it doesn’t have to be the same make or model. It is just matter of saying “Hi!” to another rider.

Now let’s think a moment about the Jeep – Wrangler. Those who drive one of those seem to like to wave to others as well. In fact that is what got me thinking about these topics today, because someone that was in a red jeep wrangler, three lanes away for me was waving to me and of course I waved back. Now the very interesting thing about Jeep – Wrangler drivers and owners is that they will only wave at each other, not at all Jeeps or anything like that. And of course someone who is in a car, truck, RV, or any other mode of travel that waves to a bike or a jeep - wrangler will wait a long time to get a wave back. You see it seems like there are two very selective groups here that respond to what people have rather than who they are. What a shame!

The real interesting thing is that since we got a Jeep – Wrangler and I got a bike a year ago last Spring I have fallen right into line and do what the others do who have the same. Why??? I guess it is because it is what everybody else is doing. So, what else am I doing in my life because it is what everyone else is doing? This is no doubt a good thing for us all to think about in relation to our own lives.

Have a positive day and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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