Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Friday early AM for Thursday Evening


Marty's changes for Tuesday have basically been a WBC of .7. That is getting low and perhaps a little faster than normal. Dr. Lee had said it would be the 10 to 12 day, that would be Friday or Sunday, that her WBC would bottom out. It will be interesting to see because at the rate it is going down now, it should be to zero before Friday. With the very low WBC today has come tiredness and weakness to add to the other problems they have been and are addressing: lungs, blood sugar, bm's, and generally mixed up numbers dealing with several major organs. Never-the-less, Marty is still walking the halls 4 or 5 times a day, eating 3 meals a day, showering, talking on the phone, and generally just keeps on going, and going, and going. Praise the Lord!

As you can read from above the next 10 to 12 or 14 days are going to be very important and perhaps very difficult. We will put them into the Lord's hands and ask that His will be done.

How do we let God be God? You know that is a difficult question, I believe, because we tend not to do that. But the reality is that when we do do it, there is a lot less stress and a lot more that gets accomplished. Praise the Lord! So how do we do it. Obviously the first thing we have to have is a personal relationship with God. We have to know God and feel God's presence with us at all times. That is so important because next we have to have God as the first priority in our lives and put our faith and trust in God, not just in words, but in reality and in action. Our faith and trust must shine through.

I was talking to the maintenance man on the 6th floor of St. V's today about this very subject. He is a christian and actually was the first one to say in our conversation today that we must have a personal relationship with God before we can really put our faith and trust in God. And he said that is where so many people have problems: there relationship with God is one of words rather than being our very best friend, guide, counselor, healer, and personal mentor. What a difference it can make when we encounter and relate with others having a personal relationship with God. It is really an awesome thing - praise the Lord!

And of course, even when we do have a personal relationship with God it can always be made better. Isn't this even true with our friends here on earth. Those we are closest to we are always getting to know better and better. So may it be with God, may we always be about getting to know God better and better and better.

Have a positive day and God bless.

John 3:16


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