Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Sunday Evening

Greetings to all!

Praise the Lord! This is the Lord’s Day, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Today has been a very sleepy day. Marty had to have platelets and then got her last chemo tonight So, prior to the platelets she had to be premeditated with Tylenol and Be nadryl which does indeed make Marty sleepy.. So, this afternoon was even worse than this morning as far as sleepiness.

One of the infection control docs was in this morning, because one of the slides that were made last weekend was beginning to grow some fungus on a slide. He said it is a very common fungus that will even grow on a damp side walk. It is not causing the problem in the lungs and he said there is a medicine that will take care of it. Praise the Lord! So, he put Marty on that med.

Other things have not really changed. Marty is still having problems with her blood sugar, with her bm’s, with her lungs, and on the edge with water retention. The chemo is now over so we wait and watch it work in her body to see what happens. We pray that the Lord’s will will be done and that we will understand it.

This afternoon we were so pleased to welcome Kim Brooks and their oldest son. Chris could not come down today because he is helping to arrange for Dave Rich’s service on Wednesday. Then tonight friends of ours from Lafayette, Tom and Carman came by to surprise us – it was awesome to see them. And the greatest surprise of all was Marty’s brother Al and his wife Roseanne who came all the way from about 50 miles east of Pittsburgh. Wow, it was really great to see them and they are staying the night so we will see them again tomorrow.

God is good – all the time! All the time – God is good! I was thinking about that statement today. All the time we say it, but what do we really mean? When things happen that we consider “bad” to people that we consider to be “good” do we still have faith and trust that God is good all the time. Or do we waver just a little and wonder why God would let such “things” to happen? I know that Marty and I have talked and talked with each other and with others about the death of Dave Rich. It seems to us that it was and is very sad and senseless. It is impossible at this time for us to think about what good could ever come out of it. But, if we truly believe that “God is good – all the time,” then we must believe and trust that God will some how use this “bad” event for some kind of “good”.

But that still does not really help us to deal with it. And each of us must deal with it in a way that is most meaningful and helpful to us. But the real point is that we must deal with it and not just let it go on in us. It maybe that we did not even know Dave, but we praise God for his 18 years of law enforcement to our part of the state of Indiana. Also, we might just feel bad that he was trying to be a good Christian and help someone when he was killed, and we wonder and question why. Or it may be that we know other members of his family. And of course, all of us feel sadness for his widow and for their children.

So besides prayer and thinking about it ourselves, to work through our own issues, what do we do? Let me suggest a couple of ideas. Weather you knew Dave and/or the family or not send them a card of thankfulness for his public service and sympathy for his death. You may want to think about sending the widow and children a “thinking of you card” once a month for the next six months or so. You might want to send a card of sympathy, appreciation, and /or thinking of you to the ISP Post, the Sheriff’s Office, and/or the Peru Police. I assure you that the officers of these other agencies and their families are very shook up and concerned, because it could have been and/or could be their loved one next. If you are lead to do something materially I remind you of the memorial fund for Dave’s children and there is also an organization called COPS which would welcome monetary gifts. COPS is an organization of survivors, of families of law enforcement officers that have been killed in the line of duty, who support and work with new families that find themselves in the same place.

You see God is good – all the time, as He leads others to lend a helping hand to those in need, what ever that need might be! Praise the Lord! Thank you God!

Have a positive day, and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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