Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Friday, July 06, 2007

Friday Night


Day number three of the chemo, which is over the hump day with 3 down and 2 to go. Praise the Lord! Today was still a steroid high, making Marty feel pretty good. Praise the Lord! However, one of the problems is that she feels good during the day, but does not sleep very well at night between the steroid and all they do to her between 3 and 5 am. So, the last couple of nights she was lucky to get 3 hours of continuous sleep. That is really not enough, so, this morning was just a little bit sleepy, but this afternoon was pretty good. Praise the Lord! I truly love these good days and like to take advantage of them.

Now as far as her medical status, would have to say that it is about the same as yesterday. Her blood sugar may be a little better but is still high, because of the Decadron use. Also, it does seem like she is not retaining as much liquid and that is certainly a good thing. Let’s pray that they can keep that under control and it does not get as bad as it did with the last chemo treatment. The indications from the numbers are that most of the other things either remained about the same or went the wrong way just a little bit. It is kind of interesting to learn as time goes on all of the things that the doctors and nurses keep their eyes on. Because of this disease affecting the blood the way it does, it can make a difference for any and all the organs, and actions of the body. No wonder this is such a horrible, dangerous illness that is so hard to get a handle on. But we are still trying!

We were sure happy to have Rhonda and Gary D. stop by today and to learn that Rhonda’s mother, Linda Gaunt is improving here at St. Vincent’s on the Fifth floor, Room 5604.

From Marty’s scripture calendar today comes Hebrews 4:12 that says: “The Word of God is living and active… it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” What an awesome verse to think about. Don’t read on, stop and think for yourself about what God is saying to you in this verse. …. What did God say to you?

To me God reaffirmed and made me think about His living and active presence in my life today, not only in the Word, but in the world. And then thought about where I saw God today: in a phone call for a friend who called, thinking I would be involved with the death of the ISP Trooper and did not know about Marty. When I told him about Marty he prayed with me right there on the phone. In a relationship I saw between a mother and her baby in the elevator this morning. In the care Marty is receiving. In the determination that I see Marty has to do something about this illness. In the opportunity I had to show a young boy the jeep with the top down, let him sit in the drivers’ seat, and then sounded the siren. It sure made me think about Jesus wanting the children to come and the disciples trying to keep them away. I did not want to be gone long, so at first it was hard to take the time to do what I did, but it was awesome when I did it. The way the nurses are toward the patients and families on this floor of the hospital. And these are only a few of the ways I saw God today that are right on the top and forefront of my mind and heart and I certainly thank and praise God for these and the other opportunities to see His grace and love, His Word living and active in today’s world.

Now for the second part of the verse, I believe that we must take notice that it is saying that God judges the way in which our hearts respond to the opportunities to be a work in Him. For example, if because I was busy and in a hurry I would have ignored that little boy, God would have judged me in a different way than perhaps He did judge me for what I did do. So often, I think that we do not think about the fact that God is always with us and is seeing how we treat others and all of His creations. At times I believe that it is hard for us to think about all of this, because we are not always thinking about God or ack-nowledging that He even cares about what we are doing and/or how we do it.

Well, I hope you get the idea of what I am thinking about and saying because I am going to bring this to a close for now. It is great to hear from some of you that we are on the same page with of our thinking about some of the passages and topics that I have been commenting on. Praise the Lord!

Have a positive day and God bless!

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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