Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Thursday Night

Greetings to all and all who you love:

This morning when I called Marty she sounded so chipper and chatty and full of energy and I asked her how she felt and she said fine. I said I can’t figure this out – every time that you get chemo you say you feel fine and are so chipper and chatty and full of energy. You are more like yourself when you get chemo than any other time – I don’t get it! Well, I thought more about it and came to the conclusion that it has to be the steroids that are doing it. When I got over here and Dr. Barnes came in and I asked him about it and he said that is exactly what it is. If those steroids were not so hard on the body, it sure would be nice to have her continue to take them.

We were so pleased to welcome and visit with Lynn, Gary, Nick, Hannah B. and Jean Z. who came all the way from Defiance to see Marty. I should mention be-cause I forgot to last night that Maureen, Troy, and Brook G. are also from Payne, Ohio. It has been so great to see these folks that we don’t see very often.

Today has been a very good day for Marty on the outside, but the inside has not been as good. This morning they sent her for a chest x-ray because her lungs did not sound good at all. The x-ray showed no pneumonia, thank you – praise the Lord! However, doctors, the nurses, and respiratory care have all said that her lungs sound pretty bad. So, a close eye is going to be kept on the lungs. Then there are a lot of other areas that are going to be watched as well, including monitoring her blood sugars due to the use of steroids, CBC, electrolytes, magnesium and monitoring the basic chemical system of her body that are really mixed up. and are being watched carefully.

If I have not mentioned it before this time, the routine is much the same as the last two times Marty has gotten chemo. She will get the chemo for 5 days, and then it will take a week to 10 days for it to really work and the WBC go to “0”, and it will then stay at “0” or at least the lower numbers for a week, before it starts going back up. Then another bone marrow biopsy will be done to see what is going on. So, that is kind of the plan, saying that all goes according to plan and without any problems. However, in our conversation with Dr. Lee as of Tuesday afternoon we all agreed that the potential for difficulties is much greater this time than either of the last two times for at least 3 reasons: first, because the chemo is stronger; second, because Marty’s body is weaker; third, because we already have some organs that are rebelling due to the whole situation.
So, we will have to wait and see.

You know, I have always said that patience are not something that I have an abundance of. I say that when God was passing them out and said patience, I thought He was talking about sick people and I said no thank you. Well, I know that was a sick one, but I also believe that we live in a society where patience is not one of the virtues that many of us have. We live in a very fast paced society where it seems that we spend more time catching up in order to get ahead, than we have patience to see what is going to happen. And when my patience run short, one of the things that I have thought about is how “long God’s patience” must be. Think about the years, the generations, the centuries that God has been patient with His people, you and I included, after sending His Son to show us how we are to live and to give us the gift of salvation. And as I think about how long that has been, even the time for me personally, and the patience that God has had to exercise for me and for all of us, as well as all of our forbearers, I get upset with my self for my lack of patients. God has been so loving, gracious, and patient with me that again I get upset with myself for my lack of patience.

We live in a society that is my first and right now. When is it that we are going to please God and relieve His patience with God first and right now? I encourage you to think about it and evaluate how much patience does God have to have with you, for the time that you will be the person God wants you to be and do the things that God wants you to do. This kind of patience is very hard for us, but God never told us that it would be easy; rather God has told us that He will always be with us. Praise the Lord! May you feel God’s presence and be patient to grow in God’s love and grace.

Have a positive day and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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