Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday Night

Greetings to all!
Praise the Lord! So far so go! Actually, Marty is feeling a little improved tonight and is “wired” from the steroids. She is hoping that she can sleep tonight because she has not been able to sleep all day. That is sure different because the last two days sleeping is about all that Marty has done. So, it has been good to see her awake.

The, Lung Specialist, Dr. Barnes was in and he believes the Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome will be reversible and should be able to be done up here in the room. He is really does not expect Marty to have to go to ICU and agrees with the steroids and antibiotics that Dr, Lee had already started early this morning. Praise the Lord! He said there are a couple of things that will make his job easier, one is that she has never smoked, and second that she has not been around second hand smoke in the home for 27 years..He did not change a thing. I guess we have about another 48 hours to go. When I asked Dr. Lee this morning about how much time this might take to see if it will reverse, he said from 3 days to 3 weeks. So, hopefully today was not all steroids “wiring” her up, rather some progress on the ARDS.

Dr. Lee did come back this afternoon and did the biopsy. So, we should have those results by next Wednesday give or take a day. It was very difficult to do and to get enough bone marrow. He actually had to go into the bone three different times to hopefully get enough to do all the tests that he wants to do. Of course the first test will be to see if the AML is in remission or not. The difficulty he had getting the samples was another indication that it probably is not in remission. The difficulty possibly had to do with the hardening of the bone marrow because of the large number of cancer cells (“blasts”) that are packing up in the bone marrow space. But we can’t second guess, every time we do, we are wrong. We must wait on the Lord and put our faith and trust in Him.

Psalm 16:5 reads “Lord you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.” What does that verse say to you? One thing that I find interesting with this verse is that even the writer of this psalm was aware that God had a plan for him and that his life was secure, was safe, was guided by God. Another thing this reminds me of is the Lord’s Supper (portion and cup), and God’s gift of salvation to me. And putting the two of those things together I have to ask, why is it that so many people fear death? I am particularly thinking here of what some people will say that some things in life are better than the alternative, meaning death. And I have always wondered if this is so, that death is that bad, then how can we affirm the biblical statements about trusting God, and confessing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior?

This morning when Marty and I were faced with the words of the doctor for the second time in a month that her death could be near, all that we could say was that God’s will is our will and what ever happens will be okay. Now this certainly does not mean that we want Marty to die, because we both pray that it be God’s will that there are other things that God wants her to do on this earth. Particularly of interest to Marty is to see and be involved in the grandchildren growing up. But it does mean that we trust God for her salvation and for eternal life that will be a good thing. It seems to me that a basic fear of death is a fear of the unknown, but if indeed our faith and trust is in God, and our salvation is in God, then there is no unknown, because there is God! Praise the Lord! For the Christian death is a going home and we all know that is a good thing. We all like to go home after a trip. You know we say how great it is to be home again. I suggest that it is the same with death and after life. Praise the Lord! Thank you God!

Did not mention above but want to say now that Marty enjoyed having Jennifer D. here this afternoon for a second visit. Also, Marty is now up to almost 100 cards hanging in her room, which is indeed a wonderful reminder of the prayers, support, love, and grace that God has sent to her through so many people. Praise the Lord!

May you have a positive day and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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