Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Saturday Night


Praise the Lord! Another new day and another good day for Marty! She is still on what I call her “steroid high” which she seems to get each time that she is given chemo. We have decided since it has happened each time that she has gotten chemo that she has felt good, done lots of talking, and being so much like herself that it has to be because of the steroid she gets when she gets chemo. Tomorrow will be her last round of chemo for this time, so, it will also be the last of this Decadron Steroid use. So, we will see how long it lasts after the steroid and chemo are finished.

They are only doing some of the blood work every other day, and this was the other, so we did not get all the usual blood work. The CBC showed two down and one the same. The HGB was 10.5, the WBC was at 8.5 which is within normal but it is being targeted by the chemo and is going down, down, down, and the PLT were 22 which means that probably tomorrow Marty will need platelets again. So, everything that is going on here is expected.

The on call doctor, Dr. Heddermons, plans to put me on Diflucan one time per day and for the weekend and weekend is ordering another CT scan of the lungs tomorrow. This will be the third one that has been done and we think that this one may center in a little more on a nodule that has been showing up on the last two lung scans. It seems that the radiologist is a little concerned about it, but the lung doctor has just wanted to keep an eye on it for now because it is so very small. So, we will see how this plays out.

Well for the next week we will be waiting and watching as the chemo does its work. It will be beating up on those white cells and cancer cells. We will hope that they will indeed focus on those areas and leave the rest of her body alone. Of course, we know that will not really happen but we certainly hope it will not be to hard on her organs.

Fourth day and all is well – praise the Lord! Thank you God!

Wasn’t this a beautiful day? The sun was so bright and beautiful to look at as it shined on all of God’s creation. Particularly if one is looking at the sun from the inside to the outside so as not to experience the heat of the sun. And, of course, the farmers at this point are not as happy to see the sun as they would be to see some rain. As we know they would like to see a couple of days of a nice soft rain.

As I was thinking about that today I was also thinking no wonder we as God’s creatures and children cannot please our own, or even a majority of them, because God can’t either with His plan. We are so independent and so stuck on our own ways that neither we as individuals can please those around us, nor can God please His own children. Isn’t that sad? Think about what it would be like if we could, if we could all be on the same page and even be functioning as God wants us to. You know God lays things out for us and then invite us to follow, but if we choose not to and go our own way He lets us do that. However, it does workout to well most of the time.

The SUN is so beautiful and glorifies all of God’s creation, and so is the SON so awesome and He leads us in God’s plan to accomplish God’s will and glorify God. I encourage you to think about all of this as we are to have another nice, SUNNY day tomorrow and as you follow the SON to worship and glorify the triune God. Perhaps these may be some radical thoughts for our thinking, but I think they may just have some value as well. At least I don’t think there is any way that they could hurt. Praise the Lord!

Have a positive day and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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