Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Monday, July 09, 2007

Monday Evening


Today has been another day pretty much like the last couple days, not much has really changed.
Marty was quiet tired this afternoon, but has been doing good tonight. Dr. Lee has said that we can just take one day at a time. We know that there are a number of things that they are watching very closely. Actually, there are now four doctors that are seeing Marty on a regular basis and checking her chart each day. So, there should not be much that gets buy them, at least we think that will be the case. We are very happy with the doctors that we do have.

As we said last night Marty’s brother and wife came last night from Western PA about 70 miles east of Pittsburgh. They stayed over night and visited again this morning. It was indeed good to see them and visit with them. Jessie D. and her mother stopped by today as well.

On the scripture calendar is Psalm 17:6 which reads: “I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer.” What an awesome positive verse. The author writes with confidence. He is not saying you are so busy, O God, but when you have a minute will you listen. No, he says I call and God answers. That is assurance. And the other thing that I find in-teresting with that is that it is in the Old Testament, long before Jesus ever came to earth that this was written and proclaimed.

I guess I share those thoughts tonight because of the concerns about the way I hear a lot of people talk and respond today. To often people today do not have the confidence and/or assurance of God’s presence. All too often I hear people say that they don’t take things to God, they don’t call upon God because their issue and/or problem is too small. They feel like God has bigger issues and problems to deal with with other people, and they just are not going to brother them. I think that is too bad and so sad, because to me it is a shallow and weak understanding of God’s grace and love. In my understanding God does not consider and issue and/or problem to be out of place in coming to Him. If they are an issue, for one of His children, they are an issue for God. Praise the Lord!

So, take note, to call on God He will hear your prayer and will answer. Of course then the big thing is that we have to be willing and open to hear God’s answer and do God’s will. Sometimes I think that we don’t want to take things to God because we really want to be in control ourselves and we don’t want to follow God. So, we think that if we don’t take it to Him we don’t have to do it. WRONG!!!! God is in charge and God has a plan. When we do call upon Him He does give ear and answers. Praise the Lord!

Have a positive time and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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