Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday Evening

Greeting to all on this Friday the 13th:

Sure hope that you have all had a good and lucky day. I know, Friday the 13th isn’t suppose to be that way, it is supposed to be bad luck, but 13 for me has always been a good number. I can not tell you how many times 13 has been positive in my life, after I was operated on with a temperature of 104, when I was 13 months old and I am still here to talk about it, I think 13 is a lucky number for m. But you did not turn to this blog to hear that story; you tuned in to hear how Marty is doing. So, let’s get to it!

Marty has really had a pretty good day. During the night she had low blood sugar again, down into the 40’s then the 60’s, but since before breakfast she has been high, but not over 189. So that has been better today – Praise the Lord! I met and talked to the doctor today for the first time that is handling the blood sugar. I liked him even though I didn’t particularly care for what he had to say. He told me that Marty is now considered diabetic, but he is hopeful that he can control it with food and oral pills. The lung doctor also said that the lungs are indeed clearing up – praise the Lord. He still does not know for sure what the problem was in her, but we know that it is breaking up. So, the same medications, etc. will be continued in hopes of keeping it from coming back. She has done good work trying to get it all coughed up and out of her body. And she knows that God is good because she is in touch with Him and she feels His presence with her. What a blessing!! We continue to give thanks not only for His presence, but also for all the support and prayers that are being lifted for her. Praise the Lord!

Marty continues to have a weight gain problem. It is a balance between the amount of Laxis and allowing the kidneys to work. It seems when she gets enough laxis to keep the fluids down in her system, then her kidneys do not work hard enough and the numbers go down. And when she does not get the laxis then the fluid builds up. It does not take much of a change to see some-thing happen. So, this is a fine line and Marty is right on the edge. It is something that really needs to have an eye kept on.

Everybody that comes in is so pleased and surprised to see Marty looking so good and talking and acting so strong. A lot of this has to do with her attitude, eating, drinking, walking, and the steroids that she gets during chemo. In fact, it is probably the steroids that allow her to do all the other things which are so helpful. And, of course, the thing that none of us can see is what the organs and numbers are doing on the inside where all of her problems are. We certainly look forward to the time when not only does she look good and strong, but also she feels good and strong.

Today’s WBC was .3 so we are still hoping that it will go to .0 tonight for tomorrow. This white blood cell count being so low plays a lot of games on a lot of organs. It is a very dangerous and vulnerable time, when we take one day at a time because anything can happen. She will be able to get an infection so easy that she will not even know what hit her. At the same time a number of different organs will be rebelling because the white blood count is so low and they can even decided not to function any more. Among those organs could be: the colon; the kidneys; the liver; the spleen; the pancreas; the lungs; the brain; and/or the heart. As we sit and wait we pray to God that His grace will abound and His healing hand will be upon Marty. Yet we pray that God’s will be done so that God will indeed be fully glorified and we will praise God always.

Today we were so please to have Sandy and Joel Y. from Defiance to come and see us. It was a real treat and we certainly appreciated it. They were then headed to Fort Wayne to have dinner with their daughter and family. We were sure glad to have part of their day.

Today’s scripture calendar has a powerful and awesome verse for us to take to heart. It is John 8:12 when Jesus says: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Are you a “whoever”? I certainly hope so because look at what it means – to never see darkness but to always have the light of life. Isn’t it awesome to always have “the light of life?” But what does that mean? Does that mean that you never have problems and always know that is going on? I don’t think so!!!!! I do think that is what we would like it to mean. But if I read the bible correctly, God gave His creation man and women that option but they choose not to accept it. So now God gives us the promise that He will always be present with us and that includes all the things, “good and bad” that we have to go through. We have to remember that God did not promise us a rose garden, but He did promise that He would always be with us. S o, we have the opportunity for the “Light of Life” to be ours. And to achieve that we must put God as the first priority of our lives and follow God’s will no matter where it might lead. And when we do that we do not “walk in the darkness” because we know that God is good – all the time, all the time – God is good and when we do God’s will God will be glorified. And when God is glorified we receive God’s love all the time, and God’s grace in God’s time which becomes our time. The Great I AM is the Light of the World and we, you and I, are given the opportunity to be a part of that “Light”. Praise the Lord!

Have a positive day and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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