Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday Night

Greeting from 6610:

We are doing rather well – thank you very much and praise the Lord! All five doctors were in today and as far as each of them are concerned all is well for another day. And believe me they are indeed each saying one day at a time.

Marty had to have 2 units of blood today; her platelets were at 34 after getting some yesterday so, it would not be a surprise if she has to have them tomorrow. Her WBC was 0.1 again this morning, for the fourth day in a row, and the blasts were 0 after having been 20, 8, and 13 the last 3 days. Tomorrow should be interesting on both WBC and blasts.

Marty has not really felt too bad today. She is eating three meals per day but the menu is looking smaller and smaller as she has the items for the 5 and 6 time since she has been here. We have decided that the menu is not made for those who are here for a long time, it is only for the short stay folks. I asked the kitchen about other possibilities for Marty and they are to check into letting her order from the cafeteria. So, we shall see! Praise the Lord!

God is good – all the time. All the time – God is good! I came into the room this afternoon when the neurologist who saw Marty on Sunday was here. He was indeed quiet surprised about the condition that he found her in today. He had expected that he was going to have to do a spinal tap to try and determine what was going on. When I came in the room he asked me what I had done to make her better – and the first thing out of my mouth was the word prayer. And he said, “Well, it sure worked because I sure didn’t do anything, I still don’t really know what caused it, or what it was.” Then he said “I have some other patients that sure could use that kind of help.” Praise the Lord and Thank You!

There is no way at all that I can begin to believe that it was my prayer alone that brought about God’s grace, sign, and miracle on Marty on Sunday. We know that there are a lot of people all over the place that are praying for Marty and we know of a couple Communities of Faith that were specifically aware of her need on Sunday. So, to all of you we say thank you and want to let you know that we deeply do appreciate your continued prayer and support. Praise the Lord!

And for any who may be reading and/or following this blog for a sign of God’s love and grace, I certainly hope that if you haven’t already seen it that you do see it in this event. There continues to be in Marty and my minds and hearts no doubt that God has a plan and that He is working that plan out. There is no way that in this long struggle God has left us alone. Rather He has been glorified in many ways and will continue to be. Praise the Lord. God is good – all the time. All the time – God is good. We have and do indeed experience that goodness. Thank you Lord!

Finally, we want to say thank you for the visits we had today they were indeed a blessing. We were so blessed to see and spend time with Tim W. and Cindy K. of Peru, with Donna, Nancy, Emily, and Jacob B. of Defiance. What a gift and blessing this day has been – Praise and thanks be to God!

Have a positive day and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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