Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Thursday Night


Another hot and humid day in Peru; and for Marty it was another “bad” morning and a pretty good day and evening. Marty started her morning about 9 am with a right shoulder that was hurting as much today as it had yesterday even though she was taking extra pain medication every six hours. But, she ate her breakfast and headed to the bath room to bath. About 11:30 am she was in the hospital bed on the sun porch and started to get sick to her stomach. This was a first for Marty. The entire time she has had cancer treatment she has not had as powerful of suggestion that she was going to throw up as she did today. But, she held it all off and dropped off to sleep. About 12:15 pm she had more pain medication and went back to sleep. When she woke up about 2 pm give or take, she felt a lot better and so the rest of the day has gone.

She was pleased to have David S. from Presbytery (Pastor to Pastors) stop by, as well as Cheryl J. (who the boys had a great time with, thanks Cheryl), Vern and Bev W., Denies S. who brought dinner, and Carolyn W. Marty had a wonderful time visiting with each and every one of them. She says that “visitors help make the time go by faster and it is a joy to see everyone again.”

Tomorrow Marty’s niece from the Chicago area is to stop by; she is a hospice RN up there and is keeping close tabs on her Aunt. The hospice nurse will also be by and is to bring some other pain medication so we can see if we can get the right shoulder pain under better control.

Jeremiah 10:23 is a very interesting verse, I think. It reads: “I know, O Lord, that a man’s life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps.” It seems to me that we all know this, I have been saying it in this blog, and yet it is with out a doubt what we try to do; we try to direct our own foot steps, we really want to be in control. And you see this is nothing new, it has been going on since Jeremiah’s time and even before. The reality is that it was going on in the Garden with Adam and Eve. And still we have not learned what God really wants from us. Talk about slow learners!! I do believe we have been even slower than slow, or should I say that we have been more than just too stubborn to change, we have defied God and said we are not going to change.

What if we did change, what would your day be like, how would it be different? For one thing, I do not believe we would be as anxious about who we are and what we do. I do not believe that there would be as much competition and a lot more working together for a common goal. I don’t believe there would be war, or hunger, or poverty, or illegal use of drugs, and so on. As my mind snowballs on out with this idea I begin to see “perfection” and here it being said, “That will never happen!” And I have to respond “Isn’t that the problem, we don’t believe that we will ever change, nor will society change, therefore forget it!” What a bad attitude, it doesn’t even give God a chance.

Think about it: what would your day be like if you totally acknowledged that your life is not your own; and that it is not for you to direct your own steps and you allowed God to totally direct your day? Since God has wanted us to do that for centuries, what do you have to loose to give it a try right now, even today? You know since God is LOVE there just may be a lot to gain by doing it. So, I hope you will give it a try. “Let Go and Let God!”

Have a positive day and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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