Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wednesday Night

Well, here we are again – greetings to all!!

Well, when we publish tomorrow we will be in Indy. The doctor was very pleased with every-thing today. So, we will be on our way south in the morning. Marty’s numbers were all good today. The Hgb .was the same as last week, the platelets were up from last week, but still within normal range, and the WBC was down a little, but again still within normal range. So, Dr. Lee was happy! He also said that her heart sounded good as did her lungs. So, he said “pack your bag” and we said that Marty already had her bag packed, which she actually did. It was Jack that still had a number of things to do to get ready, and actually still has several things to do.

Jack and Buddy will be staying in the motor home again. It should be interesting. I have it all winterized. So, I am carrying water in jugs this time. Also, I have two electric heaters in the motor home and it will be interesting to see if that will keep it warm enough or not. There is a nurse who stays in her motor home all winter and says that she uses two of the same kind of heaters and her unit is even bigger than ours. She also gets along with jugs of water. So, if she can do it I am sure Buddy and I can do it too!!!!!!!

Go Colts is the theme for Marty’s room this time. We have some interesting items to put on the door and in the room. I do not believe there will be any question about the team to support. But, on the 6th floor of St. V’s there really isn’t any question any way because they have had Colts things up since October. So, the room will fit right in! Go Colts!! In fact, go all the way Colts!

Well, we go in for the next to the last planned chemo treatment and look forward to the light at the end of the tunnel. Marty really has felt good today, in fact the last couple of days, and said how great it is to think about the fact that in about two months the chemo will be over and she can look forward to feeling “good”. Praise the Lord! God has been with us and so good to us thus far and we have no reason to believe that it will be any different. Praise the Lord! As we go past this half way point we give God thanks, thanks, thanks, and more thanks for His grace and love that we have seen in such an abundant way. God has provided Marty with such a great attitude and the strength to endure so much in such a positive way. That is why we say Thank you Lord and Praise the Lord! And in two plus months we look forward to saying the same thing.

Need to close for now and get the rest of things packed and get some sleep. So, have a positive night for the day tomorrow. And may all that you say and do tomorrow glorify God!

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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