Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Monday morning – 12:30am


The week has gone well and I am doing well. I started at the office on Tuesday and put in a rather busy week, to come to the worship service and sermon this morning. Actually it was kind of good to be back in the saddle. I still have a lot to do at home and have not even started the thank you notes yet, but in its time that will all get done. In the mean time I didn’t do to bad at getting caught up on a lot of things that were on my desk and probably by the end of the coming week I should be up to date. Praise the Lord! Three months was a long time and I sure have had a lot of catching up.

Things here at home are going okay. I am doing some washing right now; I have been eating fine out of the freezer and fixing some things on the grill. Buddy and I are holding down the fort. Buddy is not sleeping real well and wakes me up almost every night around 4 give or take. I am not sure what his problem is, but I do believe he is missing Marty. When I talk to him about her he does not even put his ears up. Today he has been on her side of the bed, but that is really a first and it use to be that he spent a lot of time on her side of the bed.

Well that is the update as best as I can think about it right now and besides I really need to get to bed. So hope you have a good night of sleep and a positive day tomorrow or today. God bless.

John 3:16

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Sunday Afternoon, September 2, 2007

Greetings to one and all:

It has been three weeks since Marty won her victory to be with the Lord. I still praise the Lord for the victory and the fact that she is at peace with her Lord, out of pain, with new energy, and adjusting to her new life, eternal life, with the God that she served so well on this earth. Praise the Lord!

I don’t know if any one will actually still be watching for this publication, and though last Sunday I could not sit down to do one, I do feel lead to do one this day. Actually as far as the blog I have been asked to do two things by a number of people. The first is that a number of people have asked me to continue it to let them know how I am doing. And then a large number of people have been asking me to publish the blog. Well I have to say that the jury is still out on both suggestions. If I continue to publish on the blog I am guessing that it will only be about once a week. I am going back to the office this week and will begin to preach again next week so I know that the life style is going to change again and I pray that I will be able to discern and follow God’s will. As far as publishing the blog in a book I am still praying about that. I have been given a “hard copy” of it and I really want to read through that and pray more about it before I make a decision. Further I have to admit that this issue is on a back burner while I adjust my life and follow up on all the things that I need to do following Marty’s death and funeral. So for those of you who have made the above suggestions they are not forgotten but are still in the decision making process.

The last three weeks have been a very strong confirmation that all that I have ever learned and taught about grief is true. It is not an easy process to go through, but God is with us and gives us the strength that we need when we are willing to lean on Him. I have again become convinced that the open casket calling is a must and is a healer. Those that say that they do not want it need to consider the hardship they are laying on their loved ones, family and friends. It seemed to me that with Marty there was such a peace on her face, and a new found look at her “beauty” was seen and commented on by so, so many people. Not only was it warming to my heart, but I believe it was another inspiration and encouragement to many. Praise the Lord!

Speaking of many I have not counted in the book but I have been told that there were over 400 people who came to the visitation and another seventy-five, plus or minus, over in Defiance.. I just know that we did what I always advise others not to do, by having the calling straight through from 2 pm to 8 pm and I never got a break. I will still advise against doing it, it is too long and too hard on an already tired body. You see, I believe even stronger now that there needs to be a break. The Church Family had food for our family back in the Memorial Library and I never got back there to get a single coke or anything. Nor did I get back to the back of the sanctuary to get a cookie. But that is alright I made up for it when I got home, after I had rested in the chair for a while. As I heard that number for those who came to visit, I thought about the comments that we got at the hospital for all the cards that she got. I though, see those lives that she touched are real – Praise the Lord! And I want to thank all of those who did come during that time: every church that we have served as solo pastor was represented; there were 5 from the 6th floor of St. V’s that came up; nurses and former nurses that she worked with here at Dukes, as well as administration from Dukes; there were former patients; and there were people who had worked with her on church and community ministries. She touched so many lives! Praise the Lord! We as a family have received around 200 cards of sympathy, prayers, and support. I praise God for them; they are so important and helpful. We have received notification from American Cancer Society and hospice of memorial gifts to them. And I believe the church kitchen fund has received around 80 memorial gifts that total some where around $3500. Praise the Lord!

As humble as Marty was I can almost hear her have a fit over all this attention, she did not like it. And I think that is a big reason why Marty was loved the way she was. People could see that she was doing all that she did because she didn’t want to glorify herself, but to glorify the Lord. Not long before she went into the hospital in June, when she was sick, sick, sick and we did know why for sure, in fact I believe it was Memorial Day week-end and we ended up in Duke’s E. R. that night, she make home made vegetable soup from scratch for two other families that she felt needed some love and she wanted to show it. That was Marty and that is why people loved her. She never stopped thinking about others! Praise the Lord!

Well one on the purposes of this was to say how I am doing, and I guess you can see from above. I am missing Marty very, very, very, much and am doing my best to rely on God for my strength. I am indeed grateful for all the support of others that is still coming in and is oh so meaningful and helpful. I am grieving, I am remembering, I am talking, I am getting out, I am praying, I am reading scriptures, I am watching and waiting for another butterfly to be birthed on the deck right outside the sun porch, and I am giving God the praise.

I think I have probably gone on long enough for now. So again I want to thank all of you, family and friends for all of your help the past year, the past five years, all of Marty’s life and mine so far, for the prayers, help, support and all that you have given to us. I also sincerely thank the officers and members and friends of the Peru First Presbyterian Church who have been so supportive and wonderful during this past year. What a blessing you have been – Praise the Lord! And thank you. And of course most of all I thank and praise God because God is Love and I have seen and experienced a lot of Love. God is good – all the time! All the time – God is good. Praise and thanks be to God!

Have a positive day and God bless.

John 3:16