Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday Afternoon, January 29, 2007 2:00 pm


It’s cold outside, but the sun is shining, the wind is blowing, and God is so bright and beautiful. The Spirit is around with peace, grace, and love. Jesus is our guide and God is in charge. How much better could it be! The triune God is our refuge and the positive aspect of our day and our lives. Thanks be and praise be to God!

Well, indications are there is no major improvement and we are not sure what is happening. The platelets Marty had yesterday took them up, but no where near normal. Her HGB was down to 7.5 this morning and she is now having two units of blood. The last blood she got, the day we came in, didn’t even take her back to normal. So, we will see what these 2 units do. And the WBC is down today, but still within normal range. We don’t understand what all this means, but it is not acting like it has in the past. We believe that this could be caused by the infection (at least one doctor has indicated that as well) and we don’t really understand what it is doing to the blood.

As far as Marty is concerned, she feels really bad and her symptoms are still the same: head- aches, neck and shoulder pain and all kinds of different left breast pain. She is also extremely tired and is sleeping a lot. So, that is kind of where she is and certainly is relying upon God for her strength and courage.

Dr. Bunce, the infectious disease doctor, was just in and now we have three doctors that feel the infection has seeded itself in and around the implant of the left breast. Therefore, they are saying that it needs to come out. However, the surgeon is the one who makes the call and to the best of our knowledge and the best we can find out right now, no one has contacted her. We want the plastic surgeon, Dr. Kelly, who put the implant in, to see Marty. So, right now we are waiting for her to be contacted and then to come in. So, you might say that we are in a holding pattern because the antibiotics just cannot do their thing. We are sure, that when Dr. Kelly gets here, that things will move along and be done as soon as possible. The problem will be that Marty is on some blood thinners and the platelet count is so low that we don’t know what will have to happen with all that, in order for surgery to be done safely. Then, following the surgery, Marty will still need to get about 2 weeks of IV antibiotics. So, right now we seem to be looking at about two and a half weeks until we will see the end of this side road of infection that we are now traveling. It will indeed be good to get back on the main road. But, whatever happens, let us praise and glorify the Lord!

I do believe that that covers things for now. So praise the Lord! And God bless!

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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