Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wednesday Night

Greetings to all!

You are probably with this blog the way we were with the doctor today; just give us the straight information, what are the results. Well, here is the straight information MARTY IS NOT IN REMISSION AT THIS TIME. Dr. Lee said that Marty was in remission back in December when the biopsy was done after the Remission Induction was done. At that time there were 3% blasts and it was hoped that the consolidation treatments would take those out. However, the biopsy done last week, after the three consolidation treatments showed a 5 – 6% blasts. That leads to a diagnosis we have heard before, namely Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS). That is the first diagnosis Marty was given last September because her blast count was 10% which is right on the line between MDS and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). But the time she went into St. V’s for treatment last September her blast was 13 – 14% meaning she was then AML. At any rate with the present blast percentage she is considered to be active MDS. Will it again become AML? That no one can answer at this time: that is a wait and see question.

So what is the plan for now? Over the next month several things will be done:
We are to go and see the bone marrow transplant doctors again.
Since it is 48 months since Marty finished her breast cancer treatment, there are some tests that need to be done, to see that is all is still in remission.
Dr. Lee will be in contact with our insurance company to see if they will pay for a new drug that is out, but not even in the stores yet. If they will, he will find a place to get it for us.
We will see Dr. Lee in a month; see how Marty is doing then and if possible come up with a plan to deal with the situation. It is hoped that by that time, there will possibly be some kind of indication if it is going to remain MDS or again become AML.

So, that is where things are for now. We are not necessarily surprised because of last weeks CBC results, but we are indeed disappointed ,since she was in remission, that it only lasted that long. But, God must have another plan in which He wants to use Marty in a very special way. So, we will have to remain alert to be able to discern God’s will and plan.

The calendar scripture verse for today is Proverbs 11:27 which reads: “He who seeks good finds good will….” Let us indeed all seek good, so that we may find good will with all who we come in contact with. What a blessing it would be to find good will in all of our contacts. It says that if we seek good, we will indeed find good will. That is not saying that you will find the good will that you think is right for you, but the good will that God has in store for you. Indeed some times that can be a problem for us, because we do not get what we want and therefore do not think that God has answered and/or is there to help and care for us. No matter what happens we must look for the Lord’s will and follow it. If we are within God’s will, we will receive good will, what ever the situation. Just be open and receptive to God what ever the situation. Praise the Lord! God is good – all the time. All the time – God is good.

May you receive a really good nights sleep and be positive tomorrow. Take care and God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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