Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thursday Night

Greetings and Praise the Lord!

This is the 151 posting on the blog and it is certainly one of the ones that we have been waiting for, at least one that I certainly have been waiting for. And indeed I am so grateful and thankful to God and to Marty. Hand in hand the two of them have sure done a marvelous job. Praise the Lord!

We went to see Dr. Lee yesterday and got a very good report. Marty’s numbers were good: WBC 9.5, HGB 11.9, and PLT 181. Dr. Lee was really pleased with them and actually with the whole treatment. He thinks that Marty really did well and that all went very well and he expects the best possible results. Marty is presently scheduled to have a bone marrow biopsy on Thur. March 8th and we will get the results on Wed. March 14th. This is the test that will tell exactly what is going on in the bone marrow and if the AML is still active or in remission. So, this is the test that we have been waiting for. Dr. Lee believes that the test results will come back in remission and if it comes back the way he thinks, he said he does not think there will be a need for the fourth consolidation or any other treatment at this time. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!

Dr. Lee also believes that it will be another 4 to 5 months until Marty is back to “full strength” and feeling “normal”. But the good thing is that today she is feeling more like herself than she has since she got the last chemo. Never-the-less, she still has a lot of strength and stamina to gain back. But what a blessing it is for where she is now and for the news of where Dr. Lee expects her to be when all is done. God does answer prayer and is so good – all the time! All the time – God is good! And what a great job Marty has done of not losing site of her God and her goal with God’s help.

Last Fall things were a little unusual for us around here; Sept. we were running all over, Oct. we were at St. V’s, and so on, to the point that we never got the deck furniture put away. So, on the end table between the love seat and a single chair is a metal and wood church bird house. It too has remained outside. And last week the snow came and the deck filled up like I have never seen it before with snow. Everything got covered with the snow, even the church. It was pretty white snow and it really looked awesome out the window. And the thing that always caught my eye was that the top of the steeple did not get covered and was sticking up through the snow. What a beautiful reminder that has been to me, that no matter what is going on, how pure and straight forward it might seem to be, never, never lose site of God. Never, never, never cover or lose site of God completely or even partly with anything, by choice or by accident, in any situation. Always, in all situations, look for God and God will be there to help you. We certainly have seen that happen. Praise the Lord!

As I saw that steeple top all week, at a time that I particularly needed to see it, I gave thanks and praise to God. And the next thing that happened is even greater and more meaningful. What do you think was the first thing on that deck to become uncovered from the snow? Yes, that is right it was the church bird house! You see when we at least keep our eyes on a little of God’s love, we will soon see all of God’s love again. Praise the Lord! What an awesome God we have and wow how awesome God has been to Marty and me. Thank you Lord!
We still have three weeks to wait for the results of the biopsy, 4 or 5 months for Marty to fully regain strength and be herself, and an unknown time for the AML to be in remission during which time we will do our best to continue to glorify God in all we say and do. We certainly know that in this healing process, Marty has done her part and more, has been an inspiration to many, and has glorified her God. Praise and thanks be to God! We also thank God for your prayers, support, and love and pray that they will continue as we continue life’s journey. Thank you Lord!

We will continue post updates every other day or so.

Have a positive day to the glory of God.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to hear the good news!!! God Bless the HESS family, GO COLTS!!! -David

2:45 AM  

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