Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Saturday Evening

Greetings to all!

Thank you Lord! What a wonderful day! Praise the Lord!

As usual, Marty did not have a very good night’s sleep. She and hospital nights just don’t seem to get along. Tonight she is going to take a sleeping pill and see if that will make a difference. Last night she used ear plugs but that didn’t seem to help. So, we think it may be caused from a steroid called Decadron because insomnia can be a side effect of this medication. Today has been a busy day and a wonderful day, Praise the Lord, and Marty has not gotten much sleep so that should help tonight as well.

About 11:30 am Wally B. stopped by to visit for a while. It was good to see him and to fellowship with him. Then about 1:30 pm Jennifer, Travis, and the boys showed up to surprise Grandma. And it sure was a surprise for Marty and what a wonderful time we had. We had some birthday presents for all three boys and they just had a wonderful time being up in bed with Grandma and playing with the toys. It was a great afternoon.

As to how Marty has been physically today it has been somewhat mixed. Four times today, she has walked the complete halls as she has been done before. A good sign that she is getting stronger! Praise the Lord! It is certainly good to be able to say that the chemo went in again to-day without any problems. Praise the Lord! The biggest problem has been the stomach and the desire to eat dinner tonight. Breakfast and lunch went pretty well today, but dinner was another story. In the first place nothing sounded or looked good. I offered to go out and get her anything that did sound good. But that didn’t happen. So she ordered a dinner and then it did not land very well in the stomach. But they gave her some more Zofran for her stomach and that seemed to help. She has also had some problems with her bowels today, and it is the opposite side effect suggested for one of the chemo agents. So we are not at all sure what that means and need to be careful how it is handled so it does not go the opposite direction. As you can see there has been good and bad but we still know that God is good – all the time. All the time – God is good and is in control.

Tonight I want to stay on the kick about “trust” that I have been on, because I keep thinking about it so much, and I guess because we have to be doing a lot of “trusting” right now. So, were does “trust” come from? I want to suggest that it comes first from God and then we have to learn it. And where I am coming from her is the creation story. Adam and Eve were given trust by God and if they would have stuck with it, with trusting God for all their needs, they would not have the need to sin and try to have it all. And then think about a baby, they are very “trusting”, a natural, normal thing when they are born, until they learn that they cannot “trust” for some reason. Remember how Jesus wanted the children to come unto Him – they were still clean and innocent and trusting as God wants us to be.

So, again I must ask what is it that makes us not trust and not want to think about the trust level in our lives. Well, first it seems very clear that we are taught and learn in other ways not to trust. This of course happens in many different ways and situation in which we don’t get our way and/or get hurt and/or loose confidence in ourselves and/or others. And then a lot of times I think that more and more we do not even think about how “trust” affects our lives because we are taught to be “number one” and to be “right.” So in our minds we are always right and that certainly affects our relationship with God and one another. So I encourage you to think about how trust is active and inactive in your life.

Have a positive day and glorify the Lord!

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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