Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Monday, June 11, 2007

Monday Night


Today was a so, so day but we still say Thank you Lord, and Praise the Lord!

Marty’s day has probably been the worst one that she has had since coming into the hospital. It is the fourth day of chemo and we think that has had a lot to do with it. However, beginning late last night she coughed up some sputum that was very pail yellow and had some fairly dark red/brown blood in it. So, the Doctor wanted her to try and get some up this morning and the next two mornings to go to the lab for tests. It happened this morning just fine and hopefully will do the same the next two mornings. Secondly, Marty has been up since 4 am, except for a couple short naps during the chemo. She needs to get to sleep earlier tonight and we will see if that can’t happen. Third, she had 12 units of platelets early this morning and expects to have blood tomorrow. Fourth, she had her Lasix increased to 30 mg. IV and the oral 20 mg. was stopped. She’s gained 12# since admission, although this morning her weight stayed the same even though she had Lasix 20 mg. oral and 20 mg. IV yesterday. We will see if that changes tomorrow. Physical Therapy was in this morning and said that she does not need deep heat and massage, but that she needs to continue the exercises she has been doing and added a couple to it. PT also wants her to take more walks and go a shorter distance. They said that if she comes from a walk hurting at #7 or #8 that she is walking too far. So, she walked this side of the floor 6 times today and her back, hip, and leg are not hurting her as much today. Also, when she finished the chemo her stomach was upset and then when she finished her dinner it was upset again. So, she got some Zofran medicine that seemed to help her stomach. But, she still says that she sure does not feel as good as she did the last couple of days. So, we Praise the Lord for the good times today, for the medicine that helped clear up some of the bad times, and for His presence as we travel this journey that He has planned. God is good – all the time! All the time – God is good!

This morning after having read some scripture, I was at the table eating breakfast. I looked out the window and there on the ground was the shadow of a cross. I was first reminded of suffering and salvation and then I wondered where it came from. And as I thought about outside, I figured that it was the parking lot light pole that was the object to make the shadow of the cross. Then, I looked out the door to see if I was right and I was. But, the thing that really surprised me is that the top of the pole is not nearly as big as the top on the cross in the shadow on the ground. It made me think about reality vs imitation or shadow. And though that is a very good topic I did not spend a lot of time with it because I think what God really wanted me to see and think about was the cross. And the other interesting thing about that is that the word “suffer”/”suffering” was the first thing to come to my mind when I saw the cross. And at first, that seemed very interesting to me, because I think the first word I usually think of is “salvation.” So, I thought more about the suffering Jesus and God did to bring us salvation, and the words of I Corth. 15, when Paul reminds us that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Paul also reminds us that our suffering is not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed to those who are faithful to the Lord. At times in all of our lives it is very difficult to understand and/or follow God’s plan. But God does send us signs and messages to remind us of His love, grace, and constant presence with us. Praise the Lord! Thank you God!

Have a positive day and God bless!

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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