Marty's Struggle

"I'm in a win-win situation. If I survive this struggle, I have more time to be with my grandchildren. If I don't, I get to be with my Lord." - Marty Hess

Location: Peru, IN, United States

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sunday Evening

This has been the Lord’s Day, we hope you have rejoiced and been glad in it.

Greetings and Praise the Lord!

Today has been a good day in room 6609. Marty did not sleep well again last night and basically has been awake since about 4:35 am this morning. That makes for a looooong day! But Cheryl, as well as Eric and Erin have been here today. In fact, Eric and Erin are still here. Erin and grandma are playing dolls right now. A couple of other Dora games, that we have in the motor-home, have made it over here to the hospital today and have had a lot of use. It has been a good day – Praise the Lord! Marty’s shoulder has continued to hurt but again not as bad as it usually has been, her basic numbers have come down some but are still within normal range, with 4 of the 6 chemo treatments done. So, the next chemo will be tomorrow (Monday) evening and then the last one on Tuesday morning and that will be the last medication for treatment # 3. Praise the Lord!


Today’s calendar scripture has been Psalm 18:2 which is a spectacular verse that Marty and I find very meaningful and helpful. “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.” If God was not our rock and refuge I am not sure where we would be. When we rely on God for strength and guidance, it is indeed awesome, the ways in which His grace and love comes through and gets us through. God is so good – all the time! All the time – God is so good! God is so close and so helpful in times of need, what a blessing! Sometimes we miss God but it is not because God has left us, rather it is because for one reason or another we have gotten off and blocked out “the Rock” in our lives. How easy it is to do. Check out your relationship with your God and I pray that it is a healthy and growing one.

Have a positive night and an even more positive day tomorrow. God bless.

Marty and Jack
John 3:16


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