Monday Night
Good Evening, or Morning, or Afternoon, or Good Whenever You Read This:
(That is why I usually use “Greetings” but just thought that I would do
something different, because I get tired of doing the same thing all the
Marty has continued to have a better day physically and mentally. Praise the Lord! She has been very much with it today and I think is just beginning to realize exactly how sick she was last week. When I tell her things that happened and she does not remember them, she knew that she was sick, but didn’t think she was missing things.
Today has also been a day that she has worn the floor out to the bathroom and spent a lot more time on the “royal throne” than she would have liked to. Over the week-end she again retained liquid and gained over 15 lbs. from her ad-mission weight. So, she is now receiving two doses of Lasix and Zaroxolyn a day. When she got the first dose this morning, she proceeded to lose ONE GALLON (4000 cc+) of liquid from her body. And so far tonight she has lost almost a HALF GALLON (1900 cc+). That is a lot of liquid for the body to hold. And the problem is that her feet and ankles still look as big as they did last night and this morning. We cannot believe that she has gone that much and they are still that big. We are hoping and praying that that will change soon, real soon!
Marty has so far today had three walks in the hall and there will be another one before the night is out. They are going quiet well and with very little pain because she has had a Duragesic 25 mg pain patch since last Thursday. It has really been a great help for her leg, foot, hip, and back pain. Praise the Lord!
The number news of the day is that the WBC went to 4.1 (normal between 5 – 10) (that may or may not be a good thing), but the “blasts” (cancer cells/abnormal cells) went from 5 yesterday to 12 today (that is not a good thing)! You see there are a couple of problems that we hope will straighten themselves out this week. First, the WBC must go to “0” and so far it has only gone down to “0.3” and Dr. Lee says that that is not low enough. Second, the blast count should be “0” and it is going up. Dr. Lee says that SOMETIMES the numbers will go up and then drop again and hit the needed “0’s”. If this is to happen it should happen in the next couple of days. So, we will be waiting to see what happens the next few days. God’s will will be done, and to God will be the glory and praise.
Do you remember being told in school that “talking can get you in trouble, especially talking in class?” Well, I guess that I never learned that lesson, because today I got in trouble twice for “talking.” The first time was this morning when I told Marty I would be getting ready and coming over “shortly”. Well, about three hours later she called me to see where I was. I was just down the hall talking to either a nurse or a patient. I see too many people on the way in that it takes me too long to get all the way back the hall to Marty’s room. Then, tonight when I went to dinner and to the store to pick up a few things, I got back and Marty said that took you a long time. Well the problem was that I talked to two people in the lobby. The one was a woman that I talked to yesterday on the elevator and then saw coming back in tonight. So, we had to catch up. The other was a man on an electric cart that was headed the other direction and I made some teasing comments to him. Well, he picked up his wife, who actually rode the cart and came back to tease me. So, then we had to chat.
The bottom line is that I like God’s people and I like to have fun. So, that is what I am doing and as always I hope that Marty will forgive me for being late.
Oh yes, I just remembered when Marty called me this morning I was playing with a baby. His mother had put him in the stroller and he started crying and I started making faces at him and he stopped crying and his mother thanked me. In fact she thanked me a couple of times.
I may be wrong and all wet, but I can see Jesus doing those kinds of things. As we read the gospels we hear about him talking to all kinds of people and letting the little children come unto Him. So, it leads me to believe that maybe we really don’t do enough of that in our day and age and society. So often it seems like we are afraid to speak to others. The other day on the interstate I was behind a car when I noticed that something was dragging on the ground up by the left front wheel. I checked it out to be sure and then pulled up beside the car, and there were three women in the car, got the drivers attention, and told her that she was dragging something on the right front. She stopped and so did I. She had hit a curb the day before and now a piece of the bumper was just hanging on by one screw and was hitting the tire and wearing rubber off the tire. To me it was a dangerous situation and I was really glad that they had listened to me and stopped.
You know for the last 18 days I have had a lot of interactions with “strangers”, God’s children whoever they are, and I praise the Lord for all of those opportunities as well as all the opportunities to be with those that I have known. And I pray that I have glorified Him in the process of all of those actions. May we all look at how we might open our lives up to others of God’s children, whoever they are.
Have a positive day and God bless.
Marty and Jack
John 3:16